Five Essays by David Bersson

Latent Magical Powers

written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

The purpose of this article is to bring to the attention of the aspirant a basic exercise and method to carefully observe the change in Temple Energy; and to make an attempt to unveil what has manifested by the years or weeks of magical work. By now, you should of already be familiar with the Master Therion's instruction on the knocks; and I'll begin my illustration and presentation by elaborating on a basic experiment using them.

When you have developed your clairvoyance so you can basically partake of the essence of material objects; I would experiment with the four weapons how the knocks are effecting your consciousness. The Wand is the symbol of the Will; and the Lamp is the symbol of the Divine Light. Therefore; a definite change in aura, consciousness and energy should be particularly noted when you knock once upon your Lamp. Your magical record should be close at hand for such a series of experiments. Tile and Banish your Temple firstly and begin.

I have struck once upon my Lamp with my Wand. Immediately the Temple has changed. I went from the passive indifferent waiting to a consciousness whereby I felt the urge of my volition to aspire to a higher force; where I consciously seek an answer to my personal evolution; where I aspire to partake of the essence of a higher entity; to grasp a plane of existence that is consistent with the Next Step for myself. As the sound of the knock echoes into the aethyr I observe that entities are attracted to the outskirts of my circle; and I recite my special License to Command/Depart whereof I take control of my environment; and continue to build my "helpers" or my legion of demons, devils, spirits and ghosts to assist my attempt to move forth with control on so many planes of existence.

The experiment continues. This time I shall strike once upon the altar with my dagger and call a spirit to give me wisdom. What have I done? The altar symbolizes my offering of aspiration unto the higher; and the dagger is the symbol of air; my weapon of battle but also a weapon that controls the spirits; whether they be the ruach or the spirits of the wind. Once again, the aura of my Temple changes with this sublime knock; and a Spirit appears and before he tries to speak I use the banishing air upon him. He becomes more defined; and speaks. "In the garment of mystic tone the winds sooth the Master's soul". I send the spirit away; and pause to meditate upon the mystical event that led the spirit to impart this message to me. The spirit sees me as an Entity that is using mystic tones to communicate with nature; and in this case I had used my dagger to strike the altar carefully observing the change in the Temple's aura and energy. Naturally, this alerted spirits on other planes who were curious on my call to battle to affirm my aspiration to the highest.

I cannot often emphasize that whatever you do in your Temple with knocks, gestures and ceremony does accumulate over time; and you will eventually reach a point where an experiment such as the above will greatly benefit your understanding on what you have become capable of; although you know not what you can do until you have actually experimented to see for yourself.You seek magical powers? Well, you may of already developed them from your years of daily practices; and you simply have moved too long as a robot doing those same practices over and over again to see what has really developed within you.

Clearly, latent magical powers cannot be brought to the surface that you already have unless you devise such an experiment to see what you are already capable of. This experiment gives you a magical link to bridge this mystery; and gives you a chance to discover them.

The above experiment is the beginning of the breaking of mold; the movement forth that you set in stone shattered as you arise as a magician who will improvise your magick in your daily life. Of course, whether you've been practicing magick two weeks or two years the experiment will other wise show you what effects your efforts are having on the aura of your immediate environment; and in this case we are in our private Temple.

You must meditate on this; and realize that magick does not cease when you leave your private Temple; and is actually used on whatever pavement or ground you may walk.

It's a terrible state of affairs, don't you know, when you suddenly discover that you can open a doorway into another dimension or change yourself into a Hawk; and that you've had this power for years; and did not know it!

Love is the law, love under will


written by David Bersson in March of 1999 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Initiation is not will itself but the equation of will and energy added together with the proper insight that produces a new evolutionary strain in the consciousness. No doubt this is the accumulation of "truth" in gestalt manifesting into the assimilation of awareness of more planes of perception.

Where does Initiation lead? It will lead to a new reality, a new confidence, a fresh influx of energy and a new pattern with the evolutionary wave of humanity itself. This has been named by Adepts in the past as "Racial Initiation". In theory, Racial Initiation cannot be directly influenced by the mere Adept who cannot exist in the primal life as a Master in Binah.

Therefore, a Master of the Temple in binah is a Hierophant of Initiation of the entire human race.

Moreover, a mere Adept can only be an Instrument for the Master. The Adept's work, though he or she like it not is to use the existing forces that manifest from the primal urges of the original will of the Master and the Magus. With a black brother he or she is one of the"slaves that serves" and for the Adept doing the Will of the Hierarchy he or she is a "servant of the star & snake."

Can the Adept then be original? The Master laughs at the irony of such a complex perception from an aspirant so young.

This is the paradox of Initiation, that despite the manifestation of energy or even the level of energy we have the factor infinite & unknown. An even Higher Magick is guiding the mere Master and Adept.

For the mysteries of the Magus are not even known to the Master of the Temple who has no right as yet to enter His Temple without permission.

We only know that he Speaketh and there is a Blessing and a Curse as the Word manifests into the lower worlds.

The most sublime school of thought of the greatest of all the Exempt Adepts is still below the abyss and subject to dispersion. And every school of thought on every plane will be roads that create understanding of the manifestation of will.

Yes, the Adept can be original but he or she is subject to the Laws of Nature as they are expounded in the Rule of the Aeon. And for the Adept as the Master the same book is meditated upon for insight.

In this Aeon which I write this Book is the Book of the Law by Aiwass the Minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.

As I write these words I have known of Liber Legis for 27 years and I am still given insights by this book

How, how, how, I speak with awe, could such a Book have its equilivant in centuries hence when cometh the Aeon of Maat.

I knoweth not and only the rapture of this my meditation awakens wonder of the formula of Racial Initiation to come.

Love is the law, love under will

Ecological balance and True Will

written by David Bersson on August 8th, An CXIV 2017 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

In an attempt to explain the pros and cons of applying the science of ecology to the True Will we will give examples that will warn the reader that developing such perceptions of the will and environment have to be considered with careful deliberations and elucidated in a manner where the correspondence does not impose a ratio logic that becomes so linear that infringement of the will and relations fall on all fours.

An attempt to correlate the discoveries and observations of science with evasive species to the variant of cultures science cannot show any tolerance for any additional species that would upset the balance of the original ecological system. Therefore applying the hypothetical scenario of its restorations in culture and religion you are shocked where genocide & cannibalism are now a factor in the readjustment of its ecological system when the correlations are given correspondence to cultural balance.

Hitler tried to restore the culture of the Nordic by genocide on the Jews in an attempt to adjust the ecological system of his view of cultural geography. Clearly, his savagery had deplorable consequences where he committed all sorts of war crimes against innocent human beings who in Hitler's twisted mind was a solution to the Jews actually taking over the economy & culture of the area. Now, you will see that the same principle applied to invasive species and ecology where we as human beings are quite content to commit genocide on evasive species in an attempt to restore the ecological balance and exchange.

Phenotypic plasticity might apply to the red squirrel but when applied to human beings we have the factor of those rationalizations which make it reasonable and natural to resist change. Clearly, we do not consider the genocide of the Burmese python in Florida where it is considered an evasive species in the same light as Hitler committing genocide on innocent Jews.

Invasivorism which is a method of promoting the adjustment of an invasive species by including humanity in the balance by eating that species. When applied to culture balance this makes us cannibals. It is perfectly natural for the Virginian to create a dish that includes the sweet potato and the possum but when applied to the roasting of Islamic Terrorists for a new and interesting addition to the menu we are clearly skeptical on the protein content over baked chicken and brown rice.

Genetic pollution is a convenient terminology in the science of ecology where applied and confronted in culture exchange amounts to averse attitudes to others and again, the word eugenics becomes a dangerous word whose application where the scientist commits atrocity in an attempt to improve the ecological tendency or the natural evolution of the human being.

These minor and major issues of correspondence are most enlightening where our beastly instincts are given some clarity when applied to the introduction of the evasive culture that either devours or absorbs the natural inhabitants. In the case of the Roman Empire converting to monotheism and devouring the cultures of the polytheistic geographies surrounding them we observe that humanity's attempt to adjust the ecology of its cultures meant millions of innocent people died horrible and senseless deaths.

In a world where no free countries exist and actual deterioration from poorly chosen leaders we have the ecological upset of political systems where the ego has become the master and wisdom is discarded by poorly conceived sanctions. Sanctions are an attempt to cut off the supply of the enemy so the enemy cannot grow or even die out. From the perspective of the enemy it is blackmail where the animal becomes desperate for its life support and only creates more hostilities in its future plans.

How relevant is this correlation with a species introduced to wipe out an invasive species only to have that species create even more problems in the ecological system. We therefore arm the rebels against the terrorist and the rebels act with equal brutality only to repeat the never ending war to readjustment. In the end, both sides are diminished in population so harshly that whoever arranged the meager attempt at adjustment becomes the silent rulers of the soiled geography. Neither side which was arranged by this strategic war maneuver benefits and many cases no one comes out alive.

Tolerance has cost us our culture and our attempt to preserve the culture has brought genocide on the doorstep of entire Nations. The rules of the preservation of the ecological systems is oft times viciously breaking the scenario down to brutal realities where our perception of human rights is rationalized away by those crapulous creeds which, having proven detrimental, are brought to the surface.

A careful examination of the proper step forth where we try to preserve life and balance culture where everyone comes out not only alive but with the chance of joy and success the ecological system of politics, culture, philosophy and religion we have no other known method of establishing a reasonable amount of ecological exchange to the benefit of all than the initiations that are corresponding to the True Will of the individual who at last knows which dance partners are going to be consistent with their association and which dance partners will crush their toes being incompatible with the particular culture or dance hall.

In an attempt to apply more pragmatic views and therefore better decisions of our will in relation to others it is clear that the science of ecology is to the benefit of our future where applying science to politics & culture is at last viewed with renewed aspirations.

Love is the law, love under will

The Dawn of Magick

Written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Before beginning a synopsis of this theory let me first state that I do not necessarily agree that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is complete. I challenge scientists to prove that the following theory of evolution is either more valid or should be given serious consideration of being assimilated. Selection as Darwin set down his theories creates a more efficient animal, granted, but it does not necessarily create an intelligent life form that can balance perception on many planes of existence.

My theories on magick and cave man are now outlined for the world to ponder. Let scientists in all walks of life be challenged by a new perception which if even partially proved correct will change the direction of scientific research and evolution forever.

No doubt, a cave man who had clairvoyance would be alerted to danger quicker than the cave man who did not and therefore would survive. Yet proof of the existence of clairvoyance itself is still viewed as mere superstition. My essay on MAGICK AND MACHINES was not only meant as a warning but an inspiration to others to continue scientific research along the lines of magick. Apparently, I have not as yet been able to make clear my point of its importance to the proper people.

I must further point out, no other members of the animal kingdom evolved into the equivalent of homo sapiens. My theories of early man's use of magick seems to be the only factor that can reasonably support such rapid evolution.

I am deducing from the present how the distant past looked. This theory may only be proved by magicians (who are also scientists) who have stepped upon and gained initiation on the Western Esoteric Path. I realize this statement may be viewed on with extreme disenchantment. Yet the fact remains that the lens must be made clear before the specimen can be viewed clearly on the microscope. How can a profane see anything such as this when initiation has not occurred. I present this theory knowing that very few scientists are formally trained in magick.

In the dawn of time, when man was not yet man, meaning his ruach, nephesh and neshemah had not yet been altered by racial initiation man-creature lived in the caves to avoid the predators. He drew sigils, coherent and incoherent in the sand, the rock and on animal skin. In time, a man-creature created a drawing of an animal. No one can say whether this drawing was in the dirt, sand, animal skin or cave wall. All we can deduce that the motive for the drawing was a product of hunger or desire or even idle play. Herein was the beginning of talismanic magick. The deer ( we'll say for hypothesis sake) was drawn in the dirt to make that deer appear in the hunt. Of course, the man-creature would focus on the deer, kill the deer and bring it home. The man-creature would come home to the cave, see the picture of the deer, look at the deer he had captured and killed. He would be very pleased that his new strong magick had worked. Of course, the man-creature had no way of knowing that the forest was filled with deer and it wasn't the deer he had drawn but his skill as a hunter. Nevertheless, the man-creature REPEATED it thinking it was working. And he did this and other forms of magick over THOUSANDS, perhaps millions of years.

The hunter had become the sorcerer using his magick to get his prey. Now lets go 50,000 years further in time. (once again, we do not know that it was 50,000 years, it may of been more. Yet we can deduce thousands of years of primitive magick in many directions established a difference in the manner which the man-creature viewed the planes of perception.) Now consider of this, if you repeat something often, the general rule is you will become good at it. In fact, you will develop "byways" or pathways within your being to make it occur to perfection. (The game of pool is impossible for the novice and a matter of warming up for the expert) Therefore it is no longer a matter of whether magick is real, the question is how many times do I have to repeat the ritual before I acquire that knack and the energy begins to flow. How many thousands of years did man-creature do magick over and over and over? What changes did this create in his being?

The man-creature had become a homo sapiens with the same basic environment. Why did the man-creature evolve and not other creatures around him? Why does the man-creature no longer need all fours?

My deduction has no other logic to follow. The use of magick by the man-creature made him evolve into another species. We call that species today the homo sapiens. Intriguing how initiation and evolution are exchanged as concepts. For it is true. Man-creature created a talisman that developed a dramatic ritual, that of himself creating the scenario of succeeding in his hunt, energizing it and following through with it. The abstraction of symbol manifested into the plane of disk reality. The abstraction of two realities created the union of energy that began the early ruach. Neshamah was created by the man-creature thanking the Gods by looking up. The man-creature was manifesting energy by the talismanic magick and looking upward to see if the energy wasn't a gift from the Gods. The man-creature's polarity shifted when trying to attune upward to stellar radiation and to tap into his Gods. This manifested energy made man begin to walk upright. This would mean what we have named "Kundalini" is a left over manifestation of excess energy from that very process of evolution that our distant ancestors experienced with the Great Initiation of evolving into homo sapiens.

I further profess that magick will evolve homo sapiens into the next species.

I call upon scientists who have studied and practiced magick from the point of view of "the method of science" to study the above theories as a unique and important direction of research.

Love is the law, love under will

True Self and Evolution

written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

We are a 300,000 year old species where we are stuck at Homo Sapiens with no chance to evolve. For our home planet earth not being what it was as a consequence of our technologies and life on our home planet we have not the natural selection that led us to our present status as an intelligent life form.

Although a very real solution will be eventually possible where a Goldilocks Planet that parallels an environment which would assist us to continue on our natural evolutionary wave exists we note that we must observe the reality of the distance and time of space travel.

Such a controlled experiment where the entire Goldilocks Planet is used as a science project to apply Charles Darwin’s thesis purposely will clearly upset or destroy the ecological system of the planet. No guilt nor grace nor accountability will result if the the science project is successful. For here on the earth we cannot restore what we compromised sufficiently nor bring back predators for the purposes of natural selection to continue our evolutionary process. Clearly, trying to continue our evolution to the next species here on planet earth we find ourselves trapped on a desert island with a sick and ugly tribal hag screaming at us to build a boat to sail where we have no wood to build the boat. Any number of obstacles occur to create outcry at such a notion of change which would upset what civilized systems of Government or tradition that we have created. With the realization that we are creating the same errors that human beings were to supposed to learn the lessons of we scrutinize history and see nothing but civilizations arising and falling. Someone points out that we need to be accountable for our ancestors crimes which makes no sense. Someone else in our human tribe tells us that they represent Gods or God and turns everything upside down. We keep doing what we are doing and keep getting what we are getting where no evolution from homo sapiens occurs either with politics, religion or even the latest fad in spiritual enlightenment. Some of the methods of spiritual enlightenment in their naive attempt to make us divine or civilized make us behave less than human.

Now let us observe some of the spiritual systems or even metaphysics or spiritual paths that would give us real evolution to a species above the homo sapiens. Clearly, eastern mysticism falls on its face where we have a number of issues in their meditations where the attempt to control the mind and gain a peaceful state of meditation they commit the crime of deletion of primal functions. Zen Buddhism & Taoism is clearly a first with its insane meditations which blank out instinct and create a passively indifferent consciousness by their interpretations of a civilized human being. We have the Yogi from India who blanks out pain using a yoga where they can sleep on a bed of nails. We have Theosophists who talk about yoga and do no work ending up as sidewalk philosophers whose metaphysics bores everyone shit-less. We have Christianity which practices self sacrifice and hypocrisy which does not evolve but make you puppets of the Priests or the Church. You have monotheistic religions like Judaism and Islam which give all sorts of useless dogma with no evolution and of course we have all political systems, which again haven't a chance to practice natural selection without being tyrannical. Even atheism is out of touch with the reality of our species where no evolution exists within their persistent negativeness. Agnostics play the same game of skepticism where the overall status of their developed personalities is no better than any other homo sapiens who is stuck with the same status of evolution. No matter how high the IQ of the Mensa brother or sister is they have to confess they are yet still homo sapiens. Naturally, all those who I have categorized to observe might privately think they are one step above our species but the reality is they are simply engaged in creed, tradition or obsession to consider them superior. The truth is none of them are going to evolve any higher from homo sapiens from their variant of activities.

So, how do we evolve from our present dilemma of being stuck for 300,000 years being homo sapiens with no chance of evolving from all the known paths of religion or spiritual paths? After all, planet earth is no longer going to give us any natural selection and we've moved right to the top of the food chain where we as a species have invented all sorts of weapons to deal with the few predators that are left in the forest.

Well, what will fit the criterion of such an unfortunate desert island? After all, we would firstly need an educational system that emphasizes the goals of life of the individual and the awakening of the True Self where volition has a chance to meet the world with sufficient challenges. How do we parallel the consciousness of the human being who is placed in an environment where evolution is feasible. At our stage of evolution we have intellects and we are self aware. Everyone must be naked in the universe on a path toward some type of fulfillment where those instincts do not become recessive where our survival instincts are compromised by dogmatic rationalizations. We must find our goal in life and strife for it based on the reality of our merit.

Bearing all this in mind the Law of Θελημα fits the only system that is consistent with a sensible path where the awakening of the True Self and True Will will create an initiation to a higher state of consciousness. Control is essential but to end those essential parts of the inner self which constitute us and include us would be folly.