Whoever practiced Part I of the Book Four will have discovered, perhaps surprisedly, that
NOTHING a human being does ever springs from the intellect: this is just a mechanism
through which volitions may be realized, being transformed into thoughts and, eventually into deeds. The intellect is like a computer: totally incapable of providing an end, but always prompt to help us discover the means. Politics, ethics, religion, are intellectual expressions of the Magical Will of other human beings, some of them dead thousands of
years, but still influencing us through their thoughts, which are perpetuated and repeated generations after generation.
Our Will is only truly free when we no longer allow ourselves to be controlled by other Wills. This does not mean that we cannot agree with the political, ethical or religious concepts of other people; but this agreement will only be truly positive, which is to say efficient, when it comes from a harmony of those concepts
with our own Will, without our Will allowing itself to be deluded on the plane of mind. Such delusions is much easier than one thinks; actually, it is the normal state of the majority of human beings. Whoever is not in control of his or her own mind will always be the slave of another mind-- and that not necessarily a mind better than our own.
Only better trained. It it thus, for instance, that modern man and women blindly obey precepts of ethics, politics, or religion, that were conceived for cultural conditions that have ceased to exist upon the planet thousands of years ago. Our science belongs to the last third of the Twentieth Century. Our morals are still the morals of troglodytes.