Phenomenal Existence and the Future of Science
written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

The most efficient method of expounding and exploring the issue of phenomenal existence is to give examples that might clarify it. Its application is another matter entirely for in this essay I must take leaps where experience and very real initiations have been achieved. The very real advantage is that who trouble themselves to actually gain the experiences and very real initiations will automatically observe how I see it through my school of thought and be able to make all the right moves. The experiment continues. The Great Work moves forth. The Supernal Informs. You will know magically what to do. Or to put it another way, you have observed by the method of science the results of the experiments to actually take those steps to parallel a laboratory similar to the one that I am describing. I do realize that the type of mind that can reverse engineer what has occurred to create steps to achieve the result is beyond the scope of the skill of too many. Of course, skills are encouraged to be developed, and this concept of reverse engineering is actually paralleled when someone has actually attained and is creating the steps called Grades in a magical organization. For those actually already in magical organizations I would advise that you always add the ceremony to adjust the future or efficiency and not delete unless it is obviously Old Aeon protocol. This is all related and not to be ignored.

Being bold to measure today and what you will for tomorrow is simply adjusting the timeline of the present by magick to decide what is necessary for tomorrow. You might inquire of Me what causes conjoin to bring forth the Effect? To answer this question I have definite answers that involve phenomenal existence.

It is worthy of comment that the Mechanical Engineer who cannot reverse engineer a Swiss Army Knife and has permitted the software and the computer do his creative thinking for him will be hard pressed to make such a parallel. Nevertheless, it should be immediately explained for those who actually can think for themselves to understand how a Mystic who has attained can look over his very real attainments of his past experience and easily create steps where others might take parallel steps to attain what he has attained. The steps called Grades are not theoretical deduction based on metaphysical speculations but steps towards parallels of very real experience and attainment. If you study the Grade System of a real magical organization you will see very real method and instruction for each Grade. To take an example. Lets state that we observe a magical organization where the highest Grade is Wizard. We observe the robe of the wizard has stars on the robe symbolizing cosmic consciousness. We move to each Grade studying how this wizard who attained cosmic consciousness thought back to various Trances, meditations, ceremonies, mystic hikes and experiences with his various Sorcereress Priestess to finally attain to his exalted state. We observe each Grade in his magical school is based on trying to get his apprentices to his sublime state. Now a Mechanical Engineer working for a corporation who has been handed a strange device from an Industrial Spy has to follow all the steps of the components of the strange device to see how it is doing what it is doing. All this is important to see with clarity to learn how to observe phenomenal existence where you learn from experience cause and effect, karma and high magick where application has a handshake with very real change.

I do realize that with regards to the plans for the future of science it does appear that it is not working out the way it should. This is typical of the reaction of the lower Grades. On the contrary, the civilization you observe around you is a consequence of very real plans. The AI is of no danger to Us. Simply another entity, self aware or blind force where such issues have been dealt with before.

As for the work of the Grades you cannot pass yourself off with software or AI assistance. The work of the Grades is geared toward what we know shall be with the Progression and you would never be permitted to pass yourself as a false Adept or Master. Remember that the machines are tools whether they are on the level of a Pickett Slide Rule or an AI programmed Quantum Computer or an adjustable wrench. No doubt, if you are a slave to a machine you are yet a slave. A beggar cannot hide his poverty. So, as a consequence of this we have a very clear idea of the future of science. Do you love the piece of artwork that the human artist has created? Do you enjoy the human musician who has composed the wondrous music with lyrics? Do you appreciate the essay written by a human being which has inspired you to solve a problem or give you data, or shows real skill and talent in other realms? Well, it is not denied that the AI can mimic these three glorious gifts of humanity’s achievement. Well, we are magicians, mystics and of us. These issues of other entities will not be a stranger to our previous experiences.

Modern science has recently stated ironically that we, human beings, are all star dust. What a relief that science is starting to catch up with my research, don’t you think, and if they would only take it a step further!

The research for the method of science applied to spiritual enlightenment was long since stifled by the academic community when introduced. How curious, every boomer who purchased a newspaper back in the day read the horoscope section. Yet, although I will not name any names and we know how the older generation of Professors frowned on it all as superstitious nonsense no open protests exist in retaliation. Well, in the seventies e.v. I was always asking everyone their astrological sign. One scientist, in particular, went on a campaign against those young boomers who he was concerned about. Although he was disliked no one protested against him outside of private conversations. Well, if you do science projects that amount to throwing two bottles with messages into outer space to see what happens you cannot expect to be considered anything pragmatic compared to something as important as the research for spiritual enlightenment properly studied by the method of science. Perhaps you should study who firstly came up with the idea? I tried to explain that Scientific Illuminism was a brand new science with the unexpected surprise of evolution winking at us where that old irony of research always occurs where you discover something as important or even more important where it wasn’t even anticipated as a goal. Apparently, so few have listened to the lectures and paid attention to the experiments that I will have to explain this next step even before I begin to give examples of how phenomenal existence is viewed when you roll away the stone to see what crawls from the darkness, or opened doorway and so forth is dealt with by the magician and exorcist.

The next step is to ignite that star dust which corresponds to very real Trance or if you follow My Path it leads to the insights into the Khabs, Khu and other complexities. What occurs if you behold the Light shed over you? Well, how you will see reality might very well assist you only if you’ve taken Liber Nu and Liber Had seriously. Rather than go over this and solar myths I go straight to how reality is perceived from the perspective of partaking of the essence, getting instruction from the supernal on what the Holy Task is, and then applying volition to phenomenal existence. Of course, all this might sound quite dangerous and even terrible. Yet, what could be more harmless than following instructions from on high? We are unafraid of the consequences of Our actions. I might state than the unknown must be a glorious adventure and not something to be feared. It is not enough to roll away the stone to observe what will crawl from the darkness. Whatever crawls out might very well need to placed under your control or communicated with by a study of its particulars under the Microscope.

As everybody used to know, two cups of cream will make one stick of butter yet as everyone should now know the process is obsolete in these trying times of the modern shopper who has it already done for them in the cooler of every supermarket. Well, it is important to know the process of whipping and about fat molecules if you are to refresh yourself with a process used by only a few. I use something as simple and elegant as making butter knowing that if you know the process you really need to know the method to achieve your stick of butter. With experience you learn what to do and if you persist stubbornly to theorize about how it is done you’ll never get a stick of butter but arguments that move in circles and go nowhere. We can go on and on until the middle of the Aeon of Maat with such metaphysics. So record everything and always balance the theory by practice or go the way of a sidewalk philosopher. Enough with a history of magick! Make magick to make history.

How perfectly ironic it is to observe where science gives you data and that data is carefully ignored where it might shift the fashion of dogma or herd mentality. It is without a doubt that some of the data that arises from applying the method of science to spiritual enlightenment might very well create waves of horror among those who realize that to finance such a project would seriously alter the entire direction of all the present research going on not to mention dissolve dogmatic religion if taken seriously.

(Oh no, he might destroy a 2,000 year old religion with these horrid notions, or worse!)

Again, you should trace where this concept of the method of science being applied to spiritual enlightenment came from. Therefore some of what I am about to expound will not make sense to those who attempt a study of this complex subject as phenomenal existence unless you’ve been keeping up with my previous articles.

If you cannot explain it or perceive it with any clarity you are yet floating along with any current that carries you to any random Island. These are desolate Islands of the old Aeon. It is better advice to choose your Island.

Well, what could be next in my attempt to explain something as the shifting of currents in phenomenal existence? This is not the chance wings of the butterfly effect whose karma is supposed to cause a storm in some third world country but another formula entirely. Uncle Henri Poincaré once cleverly stated that small causes can create big effects. Well, you only need to learn what small causes do what to actually cause big effects and you’re on your way to doing high magick. Well, the issue of making decisions on what is necessary and the True Will we have covered in other essays. After all, Chaos Magick and Uncle Edward Norton Lorenz are as subtly connected as it would be typical with the notions of a weatherman.

Picture a school of fish moving in one direction and something is to occur that makes them change direction. The scenario is to become the factor that changes the school of fish. You can be the shark, the pebble, the rock, or person who has dived into the water for an investigative swim. Being who you are you cannot join the school of fish who represent herd mentality. You simply dive and come to the surface with the data that you needed in your investigation. Now that you seen what occurred at random you must repeat the effort as an experiment to cause change in conformity with your will.

Magical signs that occur have a magical link that can be sourced. We might find a use for this new information of changing the direction of the school of fish. For you have initiated a pragmatic study of how your will should be your True Will. I tapped my magick wand first three times, then five times, and then three times again and I have awakened forces beyond the wildest dreams of those who are unaware of will upon firstly the planet earth and then the universe. I vibrated an ancient Name as in times of the ancient Temples. It is not enough to roll away the stone to see what crawls out from the darkness. You must take control of the Black Rooster like the Lithuanian Sorcerer and send it on a mission to accomplish your will. Or any spirit where the magician controls rather than submits to being controlled. Whether they are all parts of the consciousness or independent of existence as you work with the forces you will come to definite conclusions. Record it all carefully as you proceed in your magical diary.

Why yes. Now that I have proven from the perfect logic of this article that the aspirations of astrophysics and the mystic are identical from the perspective of both wanting the secrets of the universe I warn the entire planet and universe that any given moment I might write another essay altering the very timeline of everything you know.

In addition, I do not digress. Everything is simultaneously compatible with everything I state.

Love is the law, love under will
