Emerge with Triumph
written by David Bersson
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
On more than one occasion a student either in the outer or even a frustrated but loyal delegated
person of the Hierarchy has come to me expressing how perfectly painful the ordeal has become either for themselves or
others that they are relating with.
Like a sloppy drunk spilling stinking whiskey on a Gentleman's tailored suit that disgruntled member
screams internally with his or her pain where disarray and dispersion is the signature of the room rather than the
calm and sane volition that would fit the aspiring aspirant toward the greater Ecstasies upon our Path.
How perfectly contrary this is to the existence that is pure joy that the initiate who has even the most
preliminary and rudimentary initiation being at last aware of the joy of the path ahead where, after all is
said and done those sorrows are but shadows. You are, of course, out of touch with the reality of our species, however, if you
think nothing remains from such experiences.
Knowing this, I might even anticipate that even the most miserable ordeal from the most confused aspirant can be turned
around where they actually emerge from the ordeal where they realize the leaping laughter and joy that is existence. Why, even
if they only see only a spark of the light at the end of the tunnel that is something, isn't it? Trying to turn this insight
into the light at the end of the tunnel as the light of a freight train coming to destroy you was never the point, of course. We
learn from our mistakes and emerge with triumph from all ordeals.
Now, how often have you emerged from an ordeal noting to yourself that this is not the way it need be for
it is of Our Path and of Us for existence to be pure joy?
This or that member seemed to have spoiled it for you where at that moment of sheer ecstasy, that time of cosmic
consciousness, that intruded moment of samadhi they dare to enter the room to complain on and on about some absolutely
irrelevant ruach masturbation that when analyzed is nothing but those very sorrows that are shadows. Your old grey land
attitude tries to disturb My forests of eternity where
I never lose touch with the reality of the struggle. After all, My roots are deep into the black earth.
Of course you do not console the student that is spilling his pain upon your table and you try to give the
advice that might turn the stumbling drunkard into a dance of life where joy is the signature of the outcome. Not an
easy task yet the Oaths & Tasks demand we attempt zeal for those below us in the Order. Yet, how much much expenditure
of energy must the Superior exert before that terrible decision must be made? For every star that you deal with in the
Hierarchy has to be dealt with careful weighing of the scales of the delicate balances of the scales.
As enjoyable as it might be to have that satisfaction to the pained aspirant who is rattling on about the ordeal to
tell him or her that they are a miserable piece of garbage too worthless a pile of rotting feces to be worth a moment
more of your time you simply do not handle an aspirant of the path with such savage exchanges. The Oaths & Tasks
demand you show zeal to those below you and you must give them the advice and only then release them back into the
world in anticipation that they will have learned magically what to do and do it.
This does not mean if after trying to deal with such difficult aspirants you end up by going back to
that one last savage exchange where you cut contact with them forever as a failure on the path.
After all, it is a matter of the Superior firstly fulfilling the zeal of those below them. After that, all bets are off.
This one is at least continuing the practices and trying to achieve some balance. Help & hope in other spells and
even more spells seems to be changing them. Others have gone too far into the darkness where ignoring the great wisdom
of Liber Tzaddi did not balance the opposite. Those who do emerge from the ordeal with greater self confidence and do
see existence as pure joy are clearly worth the annoyance of those who fail miserably and forget themselves by calling
themselves names lacking the pride and determination to continue no matter what.
That one did not come to me with tales of past or present severe ordeal where they spill there insanities on my
table. This one shared told me of how the triumph of overcoming the ordeal.
It is otherwise an important step upon the Path to know that existence is pure joy. How distant such a
glorious consciousness seems to those in the middle of the ordeal where they cannot even see forest nor trees.
Yet I must proclaim the impossible to all by stating that existence is pure joy and if you have never
achieved it I must seem like a liar and a dreamer to those who live their lives in persistent misery and sorrow.
You will either emerge from the ordeal with triumph and joy or go the way of a slave. When I have finished giving
the advice that needs to be given what have you now but your own self determination to overcome it?
Love is the law, love under will
Sample Divination
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
I duly held up the card of the Hierophant as I began my secret battle
toward the true power and, of course the Hierophant is sacred to Taurus,
the stubbornness of the wisdom kept pure and purged.
Verily, the Oracle of the Hierophant is always clean and bold, for He
teacheth the women girt with the sword the positions of the Temple
working and giveth His knowledge of Love to the Hierarchy of Holies.
Further, Taurus is ruled by Venus, therefore the Priestess guardeth the
Temple of the Hierophant from the dogs of reason.
Holding this Holy Card up, I duly called upon the Gods to give me a Card
where my present work could speed the will of my Secret Gesture.
Immediately, the answer was given and like a tiger who leapeth upon the
neck of a rabbit I was given that most Holy Card which men have named the
Chariot. I awakened this force with my magick and the shining gold armour
of the Charioteer shone among my face and inspired me with the insight of
my will to go forth. I see, thinketh I, this would mean travel awaits me,
or awaits others for my will to be firmly ripped into the soil of
pragmatic gardens.
Shall I then plant another Rook on my Chess board or move my Knight to
ride to the square where my secret battlefield had placed war-lock upon my
foes? Of course, I laughed. I will stay with a move with my Knight for
this needs a strong man whose values are aristocratic and motives pure.
So I paused the Tarot reading and moved the Knight in a position where the
Hierophant could whisper inspiration into the soul of the Knight and await
further orders from the Headquarters of the Secret Throne.
I returned to my reading knowing that another Tarot Card was needed to
seal the manifestation of the sweep that would result in a Triad of Force
that had altered the course of my present plan.
I moved slowly and carefully to invoke the Force of the Hierophant and the
Chariot, concentrating carefully as not upset the balance of nature with
my act of supreme mystical balance.
Here the magick took a surprising turn for the Queen of Disks arose
from the Deck. My soul leaped with joy as I partook of her wealth for her
armour is made from gold coins and her Staff hath a Star Jewel which she
uses to touch the forehead of men with the magick of the economy of spirit
so that the world never becomes bankrupt in its travel to balance the
wealth of their souls with the wealth of their spirit.
Oh how I laughed.
For I knew now the truth. She is water of earth and as everybody knows,
rules from the 21st degree of Sagittarius to the 20th degree of
Capricornus. And now I could speak wisdom to my positioned Knight. He was
to adjust the economy by using her force so that a great fortune from
across the sea could be bestowed upon me.
Yes, the Queen of Disks with her ancient helmet which hath the horns of
markhor never gazes upon the seeker. She sees through the eyes of a goat
which turns its head to and fro judging the purity of your request. Yes,
the Queen of Disks was precisely what was necessary to
make this
divination alter the course of my war plan.
So then I called upon the Spirits to seal the pact of this magick,
commanding them by the Sign and the Name of the Sun-God, so they could
arise from the silence of their
hereafter and perform duty to My Holy
Having completed my evening divination, and fierce battle to my foes,
I bathed
and clapped my hands for two concubines to dance naked before me and await
this treasure to arrive
from the sea.
Love is the law, love under will