Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
I did spend a much longer time doing magick today in the Temple. I saw the clock and realized that a lot of time had passed. So I feel good to expound some of my meditations; and shall I give some insights to explore where I might be of assistance to those who are on the Path who have paralleled experiences? Brace yourself. I might at any time say something that might make you ponder what is really possible. Of course, a Thelemite will have a better time of this essay where someone infested with old Aeon Currents might be upset. Nevertheless, with the method of science and the aim of religion taken seriously over many years magical secrets do naturally awaken and are therefore inevitable. Just keeping a magical diary in accordance with Liber E, Section I over a few years will at least make the scientific method possible, eventually. After a long time of serious magical working, you begin to write down what you write down not knowing how important it is going to be when you write it down. This is called knowing magically what to do.
Lets begin with those very real magical insights which actually are going to act upon the universal life and manifest in this reality. These types of magical secrets that are experienced involve a high magick and sometimes racial initiation is involved. They can seem to be radical or even verge on obsessive conspiracy theory so I observe caution who would receive them. I once stated that if the secrets of the Kabbalah were given to the wrong persons it could cause civil war in Israel. I once stated if the Iranians returned to being polytheistic Persians they would experience a golden age of civilization. I once stated that if the Armenians were to end the Christian Occupation and return to their Gods; they would once again arise to their ancient glory where Ar would awaken the spiritual forces of the warrior. I once stated I could bring back any number of ancient civilizations bringing the best of what was. All these proclamations involved magical secrets that cannot be known to the novice; and involve magical powers beyond the second rank of the Adept Major. For the universal life is Temple where phenomenal existence can cause change on planes that are only whispered and rumored among the Adepts as a reality. This entire issue of really being able to observe the magical signs on what aspirant to pass any number of magical secrets shall pause for very real decision making. More often than not, the conversation and samadhi language is completely forgotten the next day where the aspirant being intelligently ready to hear isn’t balanced with the spiritual and developed magically to retain the memory.
Recently, I passed on a very real magical secret to an aspirant that I found enjoyable to have around; and I really thought any ordeal he had, had would be balanced out. In short, I trusted him as someone who had already understood such basics of magick where he is a member of long standing. I saw no harm in imparting to him something I would not dare tell a novice. Yet, he did not react in the least from it; and as it came to pass he has reached some crossroads where those missing elements that would have him arise like a Hawk of Gold have to be tended to.
My Instructor once explained how he has given the secret of the Ninth Degree to those he thought ready where amnesia was perpetuated the next day. It was like naught had been spoken. The Guardians on the inner planes are very real; and know their business.
The magical secrets come from experience with magical workings. Sometimes you reach a level where an Adept wants you to know something important in a book and suddenly all the doors open. All this is beyond the IQ of the leading minds of this earth who ordinarily are unaware of the planes of existence. If someone of a high IQ, of course, is a puppet of old Aeon forces this is only one issue. We also have those who never adhere to both the letter and the spirit. Eventually they will become traitors to the Order if they cannot achieve the balance. Not everyone will succeed; and even myself who has tread the Path cannot know what ordeal magically is in store for these types of aspirants. Will they die, go insane or become a winner of Ordeal X? Will they leave the Order and become rich in the way of a liar and a thief? Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised, but not often enough. They are able to grasp intellectually but the spirit and essence of the issue eludes them until they die. In spite of their intellect they, as it were, never understand what all the fuss is about; nor can they laugh without wondering if they aren’t being laughed at where they move forth not to understand the Trance of the Universal Joke.
How glorious the Great Work is and has been for me over the years. I observe those who have retained their aspiration and dedication with no little pride that they did not give up; and saw the aspiration of what I have built over the years to create a Hierarchy that consists of real initiates that have attained real initiations. Of course, I shall not name them in this essay for they have a Great Work in the Hierarchy that is beyond the scope of the novice where they have worked and proved themselves over the years. It is truly curious that when someone has truly failed; and is no longer functioning with duty and self discipline they are magically replaced, when necessary, to compensate for the absence. New aspirants do not know what experiences await them; and although it is glorious to instruct the beginner it is with no little satisfaction to see a brother or sister approach me from the distance who has business with me where I do note those important and glorious times where they were once unguided now they have an immortality from their True Self where My Conversation shall be of benefit to their growth. For them I give the magical secrets that experience over the decades has bestowed upon me. For they have learned to Communicate with Me on a higher level than the novice; and have proved themselves over the years.
Of course, those infested with the black brother currents or who are showing themselves to be a tool sometimes some survive; and some die in their misery for permitting themselves to be compromised by forces beyond their control. They cannot be passed on anything spiritual or magical where they have begun to permit the lie of reason to infest their being from any number of bad choices mistaken for True Will where what they want and will become confused. The intellect is always above average; and their rationalizations are easily dispelled by true initiates. For they lie to themselves without being liars; and betray the Order no longer knowing it is betrayal. They are swept away by the black brother current; and they experience prior to the final weeks of their decay horrors of ordeal beyond any true description. Some will reach that ordeal; and hold up the Seal of Babalon uttering those sacred words; and all is immediately equilibrated. Some will no longer be able to walk upright where they are permanently a four legged animal. Yet, such a description of vampires and black brother currents might raise an eyebrow to the solitary novice. I warn you that I know how to handle it; and I will be waiting for you when it occurs, knowing magically what to do. You cannot escape Me.
I really must explain the above where I have many, many magical secrets that are useful to the higher initiate; and how I view who should be imparted what. After all, we have the recent case of a failure in both the A∴A∴ and the O.T.O. try to create an ill conceived perception where the moron concluded in lecture that no more magical secrets existed. I called him a good excuse for the fall of the Roman Empire after he decided he could judge me. His insane rationalizations are typical of those who try to compensate by reason rather than observe themselves in a magical mirror where adjustment can occur. Since he was cast out of the Hierarchy already a study of his machinations revealed a manic depressive who simply entered the darkness of rationalizations where he tried to write a new Gnostic Mass which simply does not include the Book of the Law where his idiot logic was it was in its purity from his editing where he had forgotten himself in his attempt to present himself.
The delusions that no more magical secrets are imparted anymore completely ignores that the method of science and the aim of religion has very real experiences in years of magical record that show new information, knowledge, or even new method is forthcoming as the initiations of unique stars blaze in full glory with new initiations and new magical powers. Nevertheless, what normally occurs to those who you express a very real magical secret to where they are barely ready; or not ready or not steady with their movement forth on the Path? What occurs is you do not see it the way I meant for you to have it seen; or have paralleled what I paralleled with experience for the magical secret to have the impact that was an impact for me was a passing or fading insight for you. On the other hand, if you are ready for the magical secret and are unable to manifest it, trying to give commentary on its complexity needs to wait until Chiah has prepared Neshmah to give its clarity to the ruach to express properly in the ruach. Have I used such reactions as a test of their Grade? Well, don’t put it past Me to make severe the ordeals. Note that I “may” make severe the ordeals; or may not!! If you don’t like the way I teach, go peddle your ruach masturbation on another instructor, lineage or teacher, for all I care. I don’t give a fuck for your “urges and wants” but the reality of your “True Will” only if you officially join Us. If you come into our Circle you’ll adhere to ONE STAR IN SIGHT as a Manifesto. You will either comply with its regulations or be discarded. Are you to become a traitor and a fool? Of course not. You as a novice have tread the Path alone. Now that you’ve come here you’ll assist to keep Our House cleansed of the great impurities; and the aspiration with necessary adjustments towards the accomplishment of the Oaths and Tasks. It is foolish to try to go against our Manifesto.
Just remember that some magical secrets are dangerous depending on the aspirant. So this ends my lecture on magical secrets where I emphasize the caution you must bring forth to the aspirant you expound to.
Love is the law, love under will