Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
Before I begin I should point out as preliminary that Hierarchy Communication does not try to delete other forms of communication or exchange. Leaping laughter at Feasts, the art of conversation involving small talk with a stranger, tongue in the cheek rascal humor, and communicating with business way all have their place in places. Well, know when to get serious; and really get serious and we’ll get along quite well.
A student has just presented a question telling me with no little enthusiasm that she has just done her magical practices and will I condense the work of high magick so she won’t be weary of volumes. Naturally, after twenty two years I am supposed to react the way I would if she was a mere Probationer of a few months; and congratulate her on what a great question she has presented to me.
Oh no you don’t! As it happens I consider her more than others who have met my somewhat robustious demeanor or tutelage; and therefore I shall demand more of her than others. You’re in for it now!
(Oh my, I can only help myself. I just know I will this year be yet again denied the perfect citizen of the year award; or the Noble Peace Prize when the authorities find I wrote such a callous essay. (To them, of course. They see what they think they see.)To avoid a heart attack in the sensitive reader of this essay, I shall proceed to state the reaction of the sister who I shall not name did not react out of the boundaries of Hierarchy but maturely; and with excellent discipline. So, stop your distressful frowning for this was not an example of a failure I am testing to see if she was worth keeping around but a learning experience of balancing theory and practice persistently in accordance with the Oaths and Task.
I dare say, hold on to something secure, I feel some earthquake paragraphs about to create sinkholes in your mundane, rudimentary robotic lives and deliciously condensed parades of explanation to snap and stun your one dimensional status. Why mince words when you can simply outline the process and let those who would interpret it from their lens dash quickly to the magical circle; and awaken the magick of their choice of will? Shall I release a few blinds so clarity of endeavor might have a handshake with pragmatic elucidations? Cease reading this essay if you are a lazy, and worthless piece of hypocrisy shitting and vomiting ruach rationalizations or lost in a world of disordered nephesh where Lilith is your girlfriend and you’ve done nothing but invent stupid theories of magick.
(Ah, yes. That felt better. It is a terrible state of affairs, don’t you think? Where after so many years of the Path I should end up persistently observing worthless robots passing themselves off for initiates that when observed astrally are dominate with astral flies buzzing around their aura rather than the radiant demeanor of self esteem.)You request whether I can sum it up in a mere paragraph where you weary of volumes? You silly ass, you. Very well, with regards to magical workings and magical gestures I have presented my lectures of magical practices to move forth towards the experience of seeing point events in their reality, writing down how in my reality shall adjust them for my will, make the reality a reality that is a reality for my True Will to create magical gesture by talisman and ceremony proceeding to await its manifestation and eventual recoil.
Nice try, you might state but a commentary on something condensed is something of an Ouroboros. It is better to slowly move the concept one step at a time until the overall landscape is understood. Get a sufficient amount of information and immediately apply it to practice. When you’ve done enough magical practices it is high time to apply those practices toward application. You state you did your “practices” today, did you? Well, aren’t you all proud and pink to tell me this after twenty two years of waiting for you to do something with these “practices”. Well, are you a robot or a magician? I am too polite to call you a moron for not seeing this. If anything, you have been a dedicated and loyal member of the Hierarchy. Well, it won’t assist for me slam my fist upon the table; and scream at you which gives only a momentary satisfaction, a possible strain on the brain; or even a complaint from what’s his face next store. Yet, this is what I feel like doing when you try to give me good questions when you should be informing of how the answers of your True Self are awakening with a specialized magical gesture. Are we not past me being like all the other so called teachers who smile at you and tell you that was a great question?
It was that annoying appeasement that amounts to veiled consoling. I told you I was waiting for you; and you looked at me not to understand. I was waiting for you to think. You yet have troubles with the issue of the way I would wait for you to act spontaneously where I observe an initiated student that knows magically what to do. All these years. All these years. Are you yet blind to your True Self?
As an advocate of aristocracy from the perspective of merit; it is not a contradiction to write of mystical imperialism in one paragraph; and promote how this is applied to Democracy. Yet, what has this to do with your question? Well, it should be clarified on what will occur when the Hierarchy is built from magick up; as it were, where we only promote those in the Order who really deserve it.
So, your question goes far deeper into planes ordinarily untouched where I seem to be objecting strongly against the type of mind where you have ignored what your True Self is capable of; and proceed to patronize rather to communicate on those levels where progress is steadfast. When I tell you must know magically what to do are you absolutely clear on how this is related to initiation? All this isn’t “because I say so” stubborn retort. It is all been thought out and described in our official documents.
Are you done yet? Or are you to ask a question which hasn’t anything to do with anything you do or will? I must retort that the best official communication concentrates on any particulars of those Oaths and Tasks.
Love is the law, love under will