The Law of Θελημα and computer personnel

written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

I do realize that the computer worker; and the student are often too indoctrinated by college protocol to note whether it would assist their existence or ambition to embrace at least a basic intellectual outline on how the Law of Θελημα has the possibility to counter the effects of those long hours of labor in their work to become a part of a successful computer related career. After all, our reputation does seem to be somewhat compromised by any number of scant observations of our Path where we are written off by those who haven’t take the time to study our official documents. After all, trying to start off at level 100 with your video game will absolutely spoil the level of entertainment; while if you study only a few of our essays; or one or two of the Master Therion’s thesis you are going to jump to any number of false conclusions.

It is, most assuredly, a horrid state of affairs? Don’t you think? Where if I proclaim my Priestess is number one on my store of women they immediately jump to the conclusion that I have somehow compromised their obsessions with the latest fad in feminism. Or if I state this woman in ceremony is required to wear a sword being girt with sword I am promoting savagery in her overall contradiction of femininity. Yet, we do not wrap our females in 400 yards of garment where they, veiling their vices in virtuous words restrict the glory of a woman where we do not restrict them from a place in the Temple as Priestess. If anything, the glorious movement presently called “Divine Feminine” is viewed as a step above and past notions of feminism.

You judge too quickly, pray tell, and dash off into the sunset without permitting us completion of our soapbox. It simply hasn’t occurred to you the level of complexity; and self discipline that would really involve any honest scrutinization.

Now wait a minute. Did I state that my lecture was over with? You, you, in the back row with the yellow shirt!! Sit back down; and hear me to the present conclusion of my thesis. Try to control your fear; I shall be doing magick before your very eyes at the conclusion of this lecture.

(Chinese fellow in the back row then sits back down with fear and bewilderment in his face. Some joker from India in the third row starts to get up but sits back down where a slight trembling in his face has been placed under control with his skill with Yoga. A Mongolian Shaman in the fourth row gives an evil smile thinking that he hasn’t heard anything like this since he heard the stories of his ancestors who invaded the world. In the back of his mind he worries about his father being old and still a Yak herder. I read the mind of the blond girl with blue eyes - a Nordic exchange student from Norway in the second row on the left who is a genius with computer coding who is wondering how her boyfriend is going to react with her demand having separate beds so their originality might not be compromised by sleeping together every night. )

Yes, yes. I do realize that My habit of presenting the Great Work as it has come to be named among those who are of us with western esotericism in essay; or if I soapbox lecture it is never publicly but privately viewed appears unfair yet you must realize that we do not teach like the Eastern Gurus. If anything, it has already been explained that their habit to deny the Siddha is frowned upon as counterproductive to overall achievement. I use the word “Siddha” byway of definition of the modern Hindoo where it means “magical powers” although the Sanskrit literal definition means “perfected initiate” or “perfected one” depending on how you deliberate its translations or even etymological perspectives. This has always been an issue where 333 Eastern Gurus have 333 definitions for the same word where any number of alleged volumes make the definition more environmental rather than scholarly. Be that as it may, we have, in addition, the difference in temperament of the western initiate where they equally have definitions that might be confused. After all, haven’t you observed how the Eastern Guru come here to the west; and are automatically labeled a Holy Man where those advanced in the western esoteric path of spiritual enlightenment and magick are called evil sorcerers? Of course, it never gets a positive response to tell them go back where they came from; and get a life for they, in their delusion that they are the lords of spiritual enlightenment forget the local folklore, and try to impose a system that hasn’t been purged for the western mind. After all, their idea of what a civilized and integrated mystic is based on what we have explained to them is old Aeon Current which is difficult for them to understand. Equally, the east and west have issues with each other. What is this, one of the savage Gurus from India or China might exclaim; “Ah, these grasshoppers think that the magical powers should be a part of spiritual enlightenment.” where we realize the wisdom of the Curses knowing that such dangerous and stupid manifestations means their Nations will not survive for they have deleted those primal functions that give the truth of what a human being is; and how to balance the pairs of opposites. No matter how polite we are in our explanations they will not react with any understanding or tolerance that is any different from anyone else. After all, they are at home in their Monasteries where they observe without the raw experience necessary in our System to truly contemplate how serious we are. They err in the way of an old Aeon Hermit whose civilizing effect is lost to the world by hiding from the world; and those who embrace their teaching have forgotten Siddha altogether.

We claim, nevertheless, to be the real solution for the computer worker here where we emphasize the True Self and True Will. We have explained again and again that the DNA of magicians has been recessive in overall humanity from a multitude of inquisitions. Such statements are viewed with skepticism, of course, although this truth shouts at you in the history where some much blood drips from such a vision of jihad and inquisition.

One zero, one zero, one zero! That’s all you hear is one zero, one zero, one zero who are lost in their virtual realities where they are out of touch with their True Self. I become so weary of computer coders who are so lost to their computers they’ve become a slave without a master. You are under the delusion that you can merely turn off your computers and escape from what you’ve become. Well, perhaps some have not moved so far where you are out of touch with the reality of your humanity. Yet others get very upset and do not know what to do with themselves when they have a temporary loss of their internet connection. Be assured, that I am not, as rumor would have it, engaged in a war against the machines or AI. I do offer an instruction that involves the True Will and True Self where if you are not too far gone I might be able to give tutelage or even audit where you find existence is pure joy. Be assured, that I won’t pull some idiot Buddhist card where I inform you existence is sorrow and the only solution is to become a spiritual nothing. Western esotericism has vital objections where a careful study of the Three Schools of magick in Magick without Tears by the Master Therion are given in greater detail than I need to elaborate upon where it is carefully given deep explanations. You need to study this for yourself, naturally, where what ever level you are on you will deeply benefit from it. Of course, the Three Schools of Magick as presented in Magick without Tears has a purpose on more than one plane of existence which I shall not need elaborate on. It is otherwise important that the aspirant move through the complexity of its maze. Am I stating that the computer coder might start off here to gain perspective on Our perspective to assist the issue of AI and machines? Yes, you can begin here to at least be given some perspective on the aspirations of the New Aeon; and some of the objections of the Old Aeon.

One, one one, that’s all you hear these days! How weary we are of one, one, one!! No doubt, when we state that monotheism is a lie that limits the perception of the mystical universe they do not wait for an explanation; and assume some type of radical metaphysics is being imposed upon them by an evil wizard. Proceeding to then sum us up in a paragraph where we were about to speak volumes they dash off making all sorts of speculations; and even permitting themselves the senseless ego gratifications to overpower toward them toward false accusations. Well, I command to differ. Slave mentality cannot judge much less observe clearly where you have become a slave without a master.

In addition, we have stated that all the nations of this earth shall know the deadly consequences of the awakening of our magick. After all, you think you know what the future will be while we already know what occurred last Aeon; and knowing that the slave gods cannot win against us know the recoil that is inevitable. Whether you believe us or not; it should be obvious that permitting your humanity to be enslaved or put to sleep by machines or dogma is truly cheating yourself with what you really are.

Are you a computer worker concerned about AI overlords; and warnings from such technological figures as Elon Musk; and other intellectuals who speculate a near doom outcome? Well, we voice no criticism for Microsoft; and the way the modern scientists concentrate so heavily on every science but that Our breed has taught throughout the ages. After all, even today We cannot walk the earth without persecution; and our reputation is always stamped with the same stereotyping. In addition, we have the savagery of the Eastern Gurus who never, never honor us with the title of “Western Master” and come here to west wondering how deteriorated an evil sorcerer we must be to have the audacity to consider them on their exalted level. The general population who seems to consider them “Holy Men” while we are labeled as “evil wizards” is ever so typical of those who are involved with the western esoteric path of spiritual enlightenment and magick are the bad guys.

It hasn’t occurred to them anything of value in the Emerald Tablet; and of course none of our mystical literature is even read by the majority of the critics. My commentary on Liber Tzaddi; and recommendations of Liber VII and Liber LXV to those Eastern Gurus were clearly ignored where it seemed to me that they went about their business behaving like I do not exist.

I insist that the computer worker will benefit from our Path which is geared toward the western temperament. Even the mystic from the east might succeed with our tutelage yet the generic habit of them is to go from oriental nation to oriental nation to find their mystic teachers. That mystic trek for spiritual enlightenment never enters the west. After all, our existence is seen to be deceived or being deceived.

For those in the computer world where their humanity has gone to sleep we insist that we have solutions where we can offer them a system that does not insult the tendency of their True Will; or shall I state their DNA will be consistent with our western soapbox.

Now, if you are reading this or hearing this it should be concluded that we have this notion that you need us. If you think this folly; all well and good. After all, the Merlin Bird of Prey is not the storybook Wizard.

On the other hand I ask you this vital question. Has anyone but us offered the solutions of retaining your humanity from the obvious compromise of computers and AI?

Love is the law, love under will
