Reactions from Eastern Mystics

written by David Bersson
August 31st, An CXXI 2024 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

This past week has been filled with glorious magical energy as I completed a magical gesture that has been pending for quite some time; and proceeded to set up a secret Temple for further plans. Think not to find it in any geography.

I have not ceased my magical practices all these years. Of course, there is help and hope in other spells but we’ll go into this issue in another lecture. Nevertheless, it might be appropriate after the reaction to my essay called “The Sword of Karma” to give further commentary on how I view east and west. How fascinating it is to be called every name in the book; and to be accused of every conceivable crime. Nothing so dramatic as all that, don’t you know! Let me Spell it out to you; if you’ll pardon the pun; and even if you don’t!

The advantage to the latter as an Instructor who is going to instruct those from other paths might not be obvious how fulfillment of the general (not "detailed!!") intellectual knowledge of other systems back when you were student will assist how to audit their magical record; and even instruct them as they overcome the Animadversion of their old Aeon current from the 93 Current. After all, they may be Grades away from servant of the star and snake but you can at least give them fair warnings or even parallels of Trance from their system. Parallels is a better word since their defined dharana might not be our defined dharana. Confer “Eight Lectures on Yoga” to read our observations. Note that “Little Essays Towards Truth” is covering bases not even in the ball game of eastern trances.

Yes, yes. I now observe how I am observed; and I do not deny that I insist that you read what the Master Therion wrote first whether it be the Chinese Texts; or the Hindoo lens of spiritual enlightenment. Try to understand that only in the aftermath of what has been purged for the New Aeon should you be begin the usual studies of comparative spiritual enlightenment of east and west. This does not alter any Curriculum of the student; nor violate the process of the Probationer but simply gives you a clear lens, a skeptical perspective, and this does, after all, assume that you’ve begun Our path where you do not come from another path.

My instructions to those who have come to Us from another path entirely need yet another thesis; and instruction. For example, if you have been a Buddhist in your preliminaries; or a Taoist in your half serious meditations; or Christist with your psychological compromises, or a Darwinist in your contemplations, or a Satanist in your obsessions; or a Chaos magician in your wanderings, or a Warlock in your visions; or a Witch on your broom; or a liberal in your confusion enter our path the instructions or even guidance on how the 93 Current to going to create ordeal or even initiation it all must be carefully deduced by the audit of the magical record. Try to understand those generalized public lectures are just that; and simply do not give you as a unique star the very real instruction that might be different for you who will have a different background of experiences. I dare say, that no factory assembly lines are going to be the habit of our instruction; and someone who has been involved with old Aeon Buddhism; or something as retrograde as Babylonian Slave Lord mentality you will have to be dealt with differently.

I tried to explain to an Eastern Guru some time ago when they bragged about entering all these monasteries in various oriental nations how counterproductive it seemed to me they excluded western teachers from their mystical trek. The reaction was a blank stare where they hadn’t even read even one volume of anything to do with western esotericism. Why, this Eastern Guru didn’t even know what the Emerald Tablet was; and how the connection with modern science would arrive from alchemy, astrology or other ancient science connected with western esotericism; and seemed to promote an air of superiority where he needed to come to the west to teach us poor, uninspired western minds. He knew absolutely nothing about how glorious the ancient Gods of Norway, the old Gods of the Greeks, polytheistic Armenians; and other cultures had and have a very complex metaphysics where he only saw the orient. I told this Eastern Guru that for the student in our system his business is to acquire a general intellectual knowledge of all systems of attainment. He behaved as if I had invented the idea during the conversation telling me that this was an splendid idea but this would take the student years to accomplish. Had the wording been “detailed” rather than “general” he might have been correct but he could not hear or see anything outside his limited perspective. I left the conversation politely when I heard this knowing that he was lost somewhere in a delusional orient where spiritual enlightenment could not exist from the west. Like the other Eastern Guru that I encountered where they falsely claim cosmic consciousness where our first Chapter gives the magical secrets he suffered the delusions that nothing could come from the west of any value; and walked away wondering what manner of delusion this peculiar fellow was rattling off. Aspirants who have studied Thelemic Literature will encounter these types on occasion where they behave like we have no history where they ignore the glories of the Kabbalah, Dr. John Dee, medieval texts of magic, the path of witchcraft, polytheistic metaphysics and other exciting ideas to be studied. Instead, some Taoist will come to the west where he will teach and behave like some wondrous Holy Man where the Western Masters are treated like evil sorcerers or overlooked as inferior to their path! Naturally, we do realize that they are unintentionally annoying; and we try to keep self control in the face of such foolish presumptions. After all, all those who are mystics and magicians are not strangers to the closed mind who always jump to conclusions.

Whatever you are doing intentionally is of course of interest; yet what shall prevail unintentionally cannot be deduced with the immediate. This means you ordinarily do your will without thinking about the consequences of your actions. The key is you know that you must rely on how it turns out to determine whether your intention has met with success. Of course, you might be able to adjust from experience but the entire key to this issue is whether “Success is your proof; and courage is your armour.”

I really must recommend my essay on thinking as you will; rather than let the herd mentality dictate your decisions. We are not concerned in the least with any vision of AI overlords. If those whose will is not centralized anything can enslave them for they are not free within. Whether it is TV, computers or AI it does give these weak fools some type of rudimentary life. I absolutely despise the caste system in India; yet I do not hesitate to state in every nation on every continent you’ll have slaves that serve. These slaves without a master products of a machine age of AI and machines exist whether it is television, radio or something else. Confer Liber VII, Chapter VII, verse 38.

If you do something intentionally as the centre of your circle where you are aware of those about or around your circle you can adjust the magical operation. You are bound to be clumsy; and not come out completely successful until skill has been clarified. No matter how intentional your intention is, you’ll unintentionally create some type of stress which meets with recoil. It is imperative that as a centralized star upon your course with a True Self geared toward the going; you acknowledge others as also the centre of their circle.

I stated that our breed will one day walk the earth again without persecution. Yet, today is today; and we know that we must “veil the shrine” to avoid compromise.

The world today has nations that would yet persecute us; or even kill us where leaving the free nations to teach is too dangerous. Yet, many changes shall be occurring in the coming centuries.

Love is the law, love under will
