Ambition and the Great Work

written by David Bersson
September 11th, An CXXI 2024 era vulgari

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

While we explore the issue of ambition I might remark that an impasse is as good as a Mexican Standoff to the lazy, the idle or the stupid. You simply can’t let the issue of who is really, really ambitious from the perspective of aspiration to become Adept and Master in this lifetime go without honest psychological analysis . Yet, we are trying to understand the aspirant, to inspire the aspirant, to audit the aspirant; and to judge them fairly to be absolutely honest whether they should be passed to the next Grade; and whether the true initiations have occurred based on your very own initiations. Most certainly, the causal observer will often be baffled by any number of observations not seeing the full landscape what they consider to be inconsistent behavior when they do not understand the full impact of balancing fraternity by discipline.

Am I to be a babysitter to knaves and fools; or shall I fortify the fit where I ruthlessly discard those whose compromise of character or brutal inconsistencies of character in the past or present have made them unfit? I urge you to study Liber 418 where the process of the Garden of the Master is clarified in a most glorious forms of various symbolism. No doubt, the process is not going to be pleasant for those whose aspiration and self discipline has motivations inconsistent with the formula of the natural growth of the child in contradistinction to the old Aeon catastrophic mentality.

Ambition, of course, does take many forms; and the most common which will come up in conversation is the financial issues where the amount of gold that lines the pocket is supposed to be an indication on whether to observe the rascal next store as a loser or successful. Well, we are not emphasizing this in this lecture but trying to elaborate on what it really takes to move up in the Grades, develop the Hierarchy; and train students whose aspiration is so strong they have dedicated their lives to becoming a real initiate. All this in the light of how so many will drop out; tell you tomorrow or next week I’ll take care of it, make excuses, vomit idiot rationalizations, whine or bark like a low IQ bitch, and other number of excuses that are persistently showing their motivations have been compromised by any number of self made obstacles. Let me give an example of how dramatic I might have looked when I vowed to create an Empire such as this world as never seen. The ultimate realization that an Empire of Initiates was a vision that only someone whose ambition and aspiration gave signature to a life long dedication to the Great Work simply hadn’t occurred to those who were bewildered on how I could have the audacity to proclaim something so theatrical. Naturally, any criticism on such a brandish of theatrical wording was smiled at by those who think they can sum you up in one paragraph when you are speaking volumes; a very real unending tale where Hadit (concentrated experience) is unto Nuit (infinite possibility). It never gets a positive response when you tell someone that when they were still shitting in their diapers, and sucking their mother’s little tits I had already conquered the astral plane, conquered Yoga, made all the demons in the Goetia my servants, opened up doorways of astral to planes they cannot reach, and had my first mother fucking trance. If anything, they cannot see the differentiation between the pride of achievement where ego gratifications are going to be falsely concluded.

After all, with less ambition and aspiration than those who live to live for the initiations and the magick being too lazy to be anything more than dabblers piss away their lives with the delusions of their pathetic achievements. Even further so, what they observe is surface ambition where they see you after so many years as someone who ended up years down the line with less gold lining their pocket than those who they stereotype as ambition where they see the truly successful to be something else than the Adept and Master. You cannot state that those born with a silver spoon and being wealthy all their lives do not experience what you learn with the same experience of the struggle of the Initiate while We are not denying the importance of wealth know that Our idea of ambition is spiritual enlightenment and magick. If you state this they smile at someone who is making excuses for ending in old age as a loser where they never really knew you and it is beyond their comprehension to understand. I refer you to our Holy Books on “purse proud penniless ones”. I refer you to Liber LXV, Chapter IV, verses 11 – 14. Meditate on the spiritual status of the innkeeper for a meditation that unlocks the sublime wisdom of these lines. I might remark that you can “dally upon couches of mother-of-pearl” all your life thinking you’ve succeeded where your poverty of spirit radiates nothing but mundane realms. I take it the wisdom of the Latin phrase “carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero” has no impact on your decisions over the years deducing how you delayed a day to impart to me what needed balancing or resolution in your now adult mind? “Seize the day”, however does not occur with many minds who often let things pass by them by delay. This will perpetuate a lack of aggressiveness toward women; place responsibility on a shelf, hinder promotion with employment, lessen your chances for promotion in the military; and various other issues that might come up where you start a project and do not finish it. Of course, the example of someone being brought up in the south in Franklin Tennessee (for example) the environmental conditions aren’t always consistent with a fast pace. The entire deep south has the issue of what losing the Civil War does to the overall psychological structure of the collective mind or egregore and make up of those whose slower pace; has roots with how you react when you are defeated. Of course, the fellow from the south who tells someone that “hereabouts in the south we don’t move as fast” they are reiterating the inertia of those personalities too common in the south who have that background defeat now a habit of lifestyle. I have known all this for a long time. Remember that living in Louisiana, Tennessee observing various people; and living in Northern States like Pennsylvania you are bound to develop some understanding on the psychological make up of those you encounter. I am no stranger to the body language of those defeated who are difficult to inspire. For example, we have the American Injun who crosses his arms when telling the white man he has had his land stolen from him; or lack of civilized behavior whose body language of terrorism has neglected the wisdom of social evolution.

In addition, I have studied so many magical records I know many of the signs of those who simply won’t continue with the work. I have had hundreds of students over the years. You cannot know what it takes to have the volition to persist year after year with aspiration; and the inertia I have seen from those who drop out; or even fail. So, if you write to me that you are going to wait a day or have responsibilities; or any number of excuses I already have experienced this from students; and know some work or a lot of adjustment is going to be necessary in my instruction as we proceed. Well, as an Instructor had the timeline been different or if truth had been your signature I would known exactly what to do to with you to inspire you to a higher level of volition. Such a study of the level of aggression in a student I shall not go into simply to remark what you are today is a consequence of what many are in the south; or perhaps you have let life defeat you by identifying with any hostile current of the Old Aeon. Unless, they become trained by me or perhaps, join the military where you realize that the Navy Seal becomes what he becomes from his mental capacity to apply himself on an entire different level for those who end up with the M.O.S. of K.P. Yet if you observe the intelligence of successful military personnel who has become special forces his IQ is not always higher than many others. What he was able to bring forth from his being while others failed had everything to do with that raw courage that exists where self esteem and persistence arose where he did not give up. Those who are already defeated within end up living with what they have permitted themselves to be. That very equation of mediocrity where self esteem and volition has not been awakened to any significant degree where with no aspiration is present they decide it wasn’t really worth it; or it was too difficult to continue, or your lover decided you were spending too much time away from her or anything else where you have permitted circumstance to sway you. I tried to impart this years ago when I wrote that,
“hope is a troop of soldiers that die in expectation of the proper leadership”.

Ambition has been yardstick for myself in the Order to measure any number of given scenario. It should be clarified that those who live magick, breath magick, aspire to magick and have absolutely dedicated their lives toward the initiations that I have observed in the Order are rarely observed as ambitious. After all, spiritual enlightenment and magick are going to give you a sense of self esteem and confidence that cannot exist for the mere millionaire whose life has perceived his ambition out of parallel to our Path. Another point is where those who become wealthy decide they have succeeded decide it is all over with. An important point is the joy of existence for the Initiate where the insights do not cease, the exchanges make more sense, and the glory of today exists in a way that cannot be described accurately.

Ambition for the serious Initiate is something to pay attention to in your meditations. Whatever reality you create from your magick comes from your aspiration. Yet, without aspiration those forces of spiritual ambition will not be observed with clarity for they actually kick into gear what I have emphasized as knowing magically what to do.

Well, if after many years of the Great Work the True Self is sufficiently defined where they never, never let the ordeals of life defeat them I can at least be pleased that my instruction did them some good.

I should emphasize those who accept the Law of Θελημα which is an important move to the next step where you try to live and breath it to the best of your understanding shall awaken the perfect alchemy of aspiration and ambition absolutely consistent with your True Will.

Love is the law, love under will
