Step by Step

written by David Bersson
October 5th, An CXXI 2024 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Oh, oh. I feel a controversial lecture coming on!! I should cover the importance of taking the Path step by step. Well, this should be a delicious subject to stir things up again! It has been quite the active several weeks where the reaction to a few of my previous essays have, shall I say, raised a few eyebrows. No doubt, as pleasurable as it is to scrutinize the psychological implications of shock or even primal fear in others so deteriorated in originality that they absolutely jump to conclusions about my motivations, I dare say, that I initiate no motives for deception. How radiantly ironic, don’t you think? Where I innocently go about my business of instruction being only slightly dramatic with some issues will instead gain a reaction unforeseen in my ongoing pursuit to understand the universe.

I dare say, just when you’ve convinced the multitudes have already been seated in a lesson of history vile reiteration of reaction from old Aeon Currents seem to set back the overall work of decades of social evolution. Be that as it may, I am actually addressing these essays to those who are of my breed where others might chance upon any number of controversial insights that might sway them in overzealous judgment to the contrary. Meaning, of course, on course, or off course thought forms expounded depending who you are shall be how you see or conclude what my will is on any number of contemporary commentaries of comfortable or callous conclusions of considerable connotations of candor. I should remark that I am absolutely advocating for the practitioner yet I would go so far as to salute the practitioner who has created the proper balanced, assemblage of curriculum with regards to magical practices. Uncle Winston Churchill once cleverly stated; “If you're going through hell, keep going”, and after all on the Path when you are balancing theory with practice taking it step by step shall be the path of progress, true, but you will have strong areas to understand; and weak areas to be conquered. The dark side of the practitioner is becoming a lifelong dabbler if they do not do sufficient magical practices; and the dark side of the occult scholar who is not a practitioner is they are always out of touch with the reality of the neshamah manifesting into the ruach.

My word, it seems that those involved with the path of witchcraft, the clever elucidations of chaos magicians, those who are “called” Thelemites, a die hard old Golden Dawn relic, a sidewalk philosopher, a Darwinist, a Priestess of Hellenic polytheism, a kabbalist who has discarded the orthodox using the Lesser key, or any number of mystical schools might interpret Me differently. So I must be prepared for any number of unforeseen reactions which is near paradoxical in itself. After all, how does one prepare for unforeseen reactions? Well, never you mind. My plans are hardly hindered by such reactions. So, let me start this particular lecture for advice to the general population of those who would advance in whatever seemingly endless paths of western esotericism where the spiritual, intellectual and magical goals have clarity of aspiration. Naturally, some person from bum fuck Egypt might chance upon this and wonder what all the fuss is about. I am always in danger of being accused of being a Coptic spy, a capitalistic lie, a con artist sly, an LSD high, a left wing try, or a wizard that will not die. I take it that tongue in the cheek rascal humor hasn’t returned fashionable to those circles of skepticism who cannot distinguish satire from pragmatic advice on the path? Why yes. Being just controversial enough to stun leading minds of the academic and occult community I proceed to soapbox the way I soapbox knowing it is going to be normal to be misunderstood.

I should explain to you that others who have been on the Path have stated to me in the past that once you’ve attained you no longer do the basic magick daily. Yet, be assured that you have an instrument, your human body to consider; and keep protected and spiritual. It never gets a positive response to tell an oriental mystic to go absorb his yang in his ying but I should point out the naive and often times silly Taoist thinks they have become the way; and of course if you consider yourself the way or have become the Star Ruby you have become satisfied with what you’ve accomplished. Of course you can consider yourself the way; and continue the balance of Hadit Unto Nuit which never ends. At Adept Minor we state you kiss your Angel again and again; and in the higher Grades you continue to move forth. Hence, Hadit symbolizes both going and the accumulated point of concentrated experience. Hadit is therefore your experience while Unto Nuit is the infinite possibility. Doing magick daily should consist of something that corresponds strongly to your efforts for the Oath and Task; or if someone unaffiliated with the order their best perspective is to include all the maintenance level basic magick. Choosing what magical practices you would do to accomplish your own growth is easy enough. You know you need a banishing, a License to Depart and other magical practices so you can pick up any magical book even from the past; and use its sigil, seals and proceed to adapt it in accordance with your experiences in the Temple. The majority of those novice solitary magicians only need this advice; and the rest of it that they try to lecture about in video is mainly ruach masturbation. The above paragraph has just covered hundreds of useless videos where how you begin with a curriculum of magical practices that cover the basics of everything you encounter or need to plant seeds for what is absolutely covered for overall development. Clearly, the eastern gurus from India and other savage nations are a prime example of losing touch with their primal instincts and being overrun by conquering armies by not heeding this advice. Take the example of the fat ass mystic Buddha who died from indigestion. Now, had he meditated more on his diet his ridiculous ideas of the trance of sorrow might have been altered toward a more fulfilling life than those modern day followers who rot away their life in monasteries. Would you criticize the wonderful spiritual sex orgies of modern western esotericism? You identify with the idea of a sex orgy but are baffled at applying the spiritual with sex. That sex could be a form of prayer; or the idea of sex magick as a spiritual formula included as part of the path should not be shocking.

It is otherwise important to balance theory with practice right from square one. No, square one is not Kether, it is Malkuth. Look at the Book 4 Circle again and realize that you can’t sign the Oath of the Abyss before you are ready. Such common sense advice to begin where you should begin has to be, apparently, be given yet again. I shall not apologize to my more advanced students that I have, yet again, repeated the same lesson over again. They understand by now those common errors do continue to creep up on the unwary.

No doubt, doing it all on the basic level covering all the bases means that something, something, something will awaken that is a strong-point latent within you. After four months of such a structured series of magical practices covering everything you find you are better at Tarot reading than you are at some other method of divination or a magical power that no one has heard of in seven thousand years has a strong tendency from such compliance of balanced daily magical work. Another point to consider that since no chain is stronger than its weakest link if you find you are the weakest at visualization you work with that to achieve a slight upgrade in your Power overall as a magician and exorcist.

I must find it appropriate to raise these insights of overall perspective with regards to the Hierarchy so those who have an interest in its structure might observe it with clarity. Although the Hierarchy must be experienced to truly understand its impact with initiation perhaps a brief commentary would be of interest to the student. In addition, I might give some insight prior to membership which might be useful to elaborate somewhat to expound clarity to stimulate interest or inspiration. Such a meditation made into a lecture that is written out as an essay when studied might, in addition, give me new insights to expound. How surprising it was to read my own essays; and even read my own books I found new insights which was a bonus that I had not anticipated early on with my Path.  

In my essay on ambition I tried to explain how it doesn’t always involve the gold that lines your pockets. This does not cease the usual criticism of those who think they can dictate your life or even judge you. When push comes to self realization of self esteem how compromised are you on what you’ve become? Well, this is always important to gauge as you move along on the Path. Without even going into the Great Work of Initiation can we at least begin with a basic aspiration to aspire to be the person you really are knowing that you want to behave like a human being noted that our Path, in the long run, is ideal for the idea for ideal unfolding. Well, we are returned rudely to my first paragraphs where unless you concentrate on priorities you’ll skip over something that will alter the timeline of your initiations. I should emphasize that this entire curriculum is actually awakening what you really are free from those hindering environmental conditioning or indoctrinations of false history or teaching. The truly balanced initiate is in no danger of becoming a black brother. We have given you advice that results in the Adept and Master. In addition, your True Self as a star going forth Unto Nuit knows its True Will. This means a level of self esteem and self confidence beyond the existence of those who have not attained. You have become beyond the sight of the people; and therefore against the people. The glory of your own humanity as a consequence of initiations where you’ve experienced the wonders of your True Self is beyond the understanding of the commonweal.

For humanity’s sharp sword of self esteem shall not be compromised by those who know the glory of their humanity. Well, we cannot assist everyone, everywhere just yet in the preliminaries. For the Work of the Master of Temple is purely theoretical to the novice; and they cannot understand such high magick. Right now, you’ve either contemplated the advantage of the Path; or already decided on your will with the matter. Better to let the higher Grades ride with the theoretical and work with what you need in the immediate. It has already been explained more than once that you cannot know what it is really like to exist with the next higher Grade. Nor more than any description of what any higher Trance is really like no matter how sincere the Adept or Master would be to elaborate on it. They do so, and only when you’ve actually gained the initiation will the description make sense. After all, when you are on the other side of what you learn when those enslaving influences of your life are over with the level of self confidence makes you a fit candidate for initiation. So, this brings us to give the most concentrated commentary that is concise and coherent so clarity might be consistent with your aspirations to become what you really are free from the chains of dogma, machines and your nagging ex wife.

This is the method of social evolution with the aim of inner freedom. This is the method of science with the aim of religion. This is the method of instruction with the application of fraternity balanced by discipline for those in good standing in the exchange of the Hierarchy. This is the aim of the True Self free from those complexes that hinder the True Will. For humanity’s sharp sword of self esteem shall not be compromised by those who know the glory of their humanity.

Never “jade a horse” might be horse-sense from an old timer who is skeptical about the “city slicker” who has to assure himself that in his experience the horse shall be treated like the living creature that it is who is subject to pain and suffering. Well, you have to realize that you are both the horse and the chariot where you must observe that this is the epoch of the natural growth of the child. This means patience with yourself as you now know that you’ve become centralized as the next step must needs be to concentrate your experience of self esteem to move forth in control of your own life. We call this concentration of experience Hadit; and the infinite possibility Nuit. This builds the meditation where the seeds of a school of thought will be possible. On the lower planes this means developing a philosophy that is based on your True Self. If you turn back at this point you might end up as a sidewalk philosopher where nothing spiritual is brought into the picture. So you move forth knowing that something even more sublime is going to exist for you if you persist. So, what is it that you aspire to that is a step above mere self confidence that might deteriorate into ego gratifications? After all, the purpose is not to move to that threshold on the path where you’ve gained a superiority complex when you haven’t yet entered the first doorway of initiation. For any attempt to real power would at this point make you the most hideous type of dictator where any number of decisions create compromise to others that you try to rule. Moreover, the magical energy of the New Aeon gives you a self confidence that can lead you to self delusion if you do not balance theory by practice. I have observed those who thought they were in touch with the Secret Chiefs, decide they must be the new Magus, that they were the Magical Child of the Aeon, and even become obsessed with an energized form of dominatrix where they completely contradict themselves in a relationship with the mistress or who they consider to be their Priestess. Note it should be that now being free from the enslaving influences you are in the center of your circle.  The warning from the Instructor where although you are the center of your circle others are also the center of their circle you then neglect to concentrate on priorities. I might add the key to overcoming this ordeal is never to be satisfied with what you’ve attained. Hadit is Unto Nuit. You are attempting to take control of your life knowing what to do or be taken control of by any number of issues arising from being unaware of the forces around you. Well, dwelling in the darkness and not really knowing how to quit the night and seek the day shows you that the aspirations of the Path have finally become a necessity. For the solutions of these issues initiation and magick have already been worked out. Look carefully at motivations all around you; and note either machines or dogma have pulled you away from your aspirations. It has become clear to you that the Path you’ve chosen will give you inner freedom. Taking it step by step is sensible advice, as you aspire to be the initiated human being, the Magician and Exorcist; and know that with the Curriculum presented others will audit your progress. At last you know what you do not want to be where those primal urges have had no real experience where you’ve gone along with the flow of whatever anyone told you rather than put your foot down and take a stand with your life.

For the ultimate concentration of priority is your very own progress.

Love is the law, love under will
