Opening of the Eyes

written by David Bersson
September 9th, An CXXI 2024 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Time for a ceremony of the Opening of Eyes; in the form of an essay; and to explore the issues of what you see; and was is real?

This vicious rumor that I turn anyone into a toad that I don’t like, similar to some storybook wizard is absolute nonsense. No doubt, riding my horse I might draw rein; and turn into a saloon for a shot of whiskey but when I resort to magical war I have my own methods that do not always involve magical transformations but something else. Let us begin with a very real experience of rumors that involved a recently deceased failure who depending on who he fooled would not see him as he really was.

Perhaps this issue of vicious rumors or even lies about history of figures in Thelemic history might be touched upon. After all, you cannot learn about someone like Master Karl Germer from a series of carefully selected letters what was taught to my Instructor. Yet using old letters or correspondence to make a show of an aspirant negative or positive gives only a partial understanding. Are you really seeing what an initiate is really doing when they gain access to someone’s correspondence; and find, then choose only those negative letters to be printed in the back of a book? Do they, the initiate, who see themselves with open eyes on how we see them when they try to get even for something they think they see but will never see? Without mentioning names, of course, we do have at least one historian passing themselves off as civilized trying to give an entire history of the Order by carefully selected letters. They try to make you see what they want you to see; much in the same way the savagery of political debate makes one opponent the rascal while each criticizes each other to make a show of each other. The logic is if I can make my political opponent look compromised sufficiently I will vote for the most clever exposer. They try to make you see what they want you to see where you have seen what they made you see you vote not for the rascal, but the clever exposer who is always the better candidate to vote for. See what I am saying? Why yes. Pulling the old “my rival is morally insane” card out the deck to get everybody to see what they try to make you see. They see this as the way debate is seen to be done where they see spending millions on advertisements exposing their political enemies they see themselves as the better candidate. Did you see that, or what?

Moving right along, we really can learn from how a failure failed, or an aspirant succeeded coming out smelling like roses in the midst of mutiny of Lodge or even psychotic compromise where a student has moved so horribly into the darkness with unbalances working the black art that they have to be requested or demanded to move on; which is for us is routine elimination of deadwood for them their world falls apart where they go away lying, stealing, or any number of errors that are common among the fallen who have left us who were too idle and stupid to keep intact even the lowest Grade they happen to gain. In the aftermath of their treachery they succeed in the way of a liar and a thief going so far in their envious spite to steal the thunder of others who with merit held the torch steadfast where they in their confusion; or even inferiority complex permit the fires to die.

Recently, such a traitor has died where depending on what Lineage or type of solitary Thelemite you are; you’ll perceive him from whatever delusion or truth he has perpetuated. Some never get over others who they insist can’t be what they have proved themselves to be beyond a shadow of doubt to have become. Although I shall not name this person he is worth bringing up purely to observe what I observed where if you knew him he would of never let on what occurred with him in his past; and how it is that my observation of this culprit would be so radically different. Firstly, his father was Christist Priest so he would have concentrated on only one Curse from the Third Chapter which is an error that was passed on to me from my own Instructor. A Thelemite like myself who hasn’t been compromised in youth by monotheistic dogma where a completely different family environment will turn out differently than this aspirant who failed years ago created a timeline he could not parallel. Yes, I know that with a Swedish last name in the deep south I am invited to the Mansion party; and I already know the personalities of both the redneck and that aristocratic attitude by those whose family have Confederate ancestry trying to behave like the south will arise again.

In addition, the difference between the intelligentsia from a school like Tulane University is socially different from an Ivy League school back then although the prejudiced or stereotyping of the southern accent isn’t assisted by Gomer Pyle. A mechanical engineer with a Georgia accent observed or heard by an old school Ivy League die-hard? They are automatically considered inferior in intelligence. This particular aspirant who failed had these type of attitudes to put up with. Even if his IQ had been higher than it was he still had to put up with that issue. So, I got along splendidly with this person who recently died prior to his expulsion. If anything, my experiences with Cajun elders; and those in the academic community surrounding Tulane University seemed nearly romantic in essence thinking back how they accept you socially. When he was expelled from the Society; and demoted to Probationer years ago I was surprised that he came back claiming to be in touch with the Secret Chiefs. What really occurred he never brought up when he tried to create a fake Lineage thinking that I must of withdrawn into the silence where I would not observe him. What did he really do back then? He was tested to verify that he memorized his Chapters and finally confessed he had not really done this. When he confessed this he also confessed he had faked his magical records to gain Grades where he was demoted to Probationer; and when this occurred he packed his things, left Nashville; and went back to Arkansas in shame.

Of course, I was shocked at the time; and it took me time to meditate on how someone could try to maneuver Hierarchy with such disgraceful machinations. After all, when he possessed his Grades I thought highly of him. (I even went to a Mansion party where we both were there...) When I found out what he had done and not done his existence and shame was simply a learning experience of someone who had fallen. Signs that he was intimidated by me were passed over. For I had little issues with the memorizing of the Holy Books; I especially did not register that he was taking too long with the lessons in Egyptian Grammar by Sir Alan Gardiner. Even after ten years he was yet on the ninth lesson of its instruction. It hadn’t occurred to me that his lack of self esteem would be his undoing. I eventually saw his maneuvers were to present this delusion that he was either Adept or well on the way to becoming Adept. He talked endlessly about the Great Work but if you listened carefully there was no body to his soapbox. Meaning, that sufficiently intelligent to assimilate a great deal no real initiation was occurring. Yet sufficiently paranoid about other brothers and sisters around him with a higher IQ; or more spiritual he tried to be the leader that could not measure up. My Instructor made the right decision with him; and he was just another failure who I observed noting how he fell trying to learn from the experience of knowing him personally. When he created his fake A∴A∴ Lineage he made the mistake of inventing a student oath for A∴A∴ where he took advantage of any number of new aspirants. After all, a magical Oath cannot be broken; and this placed him as a major headache for those who really knew him as well as I did. Being from the deep south and with a father who was a Christist Priest was definitely a factor for his problems; to mention he simply could not memorize which had to have eaten at him to have lied about it. His urge to show high intelligence yet when tested he dropped to all fours wasn’t pleasant to observe back then. My point should be emphasized that many were fooled by him. Yet, I was right there. I was right there; and so many could not believe that my history of him was the real history. Well, he died like others have died where some see him with the reality of what he was; or others decide I must be telling a tall tale.

Like this failure who many will know of whom I write we have some parallels with the occult scholar who annoy often enough the serious initiate on the path who is a practitioner sensibly balancing theory with practice. Sometimes they are too lazy to do magical work; and with a sufficient IQ compensate for their pragmatic shortcomings by doing lecture after lecture. Of course, we have so many occult scholars pretending they can give you anything but random manuscript where they; oblivious to the practitioner do seem to be redundant pragmatically as they rattle on endlessly where they rarely present in their naive lecture anything that balances theory with practice.

Of course, of course, I shall not name names of any occult scholars for they do radiate some use on occasion and I wouldn’t think of unnecessarily infringing on their will to the soapbox and free speech.

I do present a Curriculum from ONE STAR IN SIGHT that moves you layer by layer to a thought form that shall with my audit make you work phenomenal existence beyond your wildest dreams. For those who have a degree in science you’ll by now observe it is presented in much the same way where we give it Grade by Grade until you finally make Adept or Master. Of course, using the word “College” with regards to A∴A∴ does raise an eyebrow to the Professor but there will be no convincing or clarifying to them what “the method science, with aim of religion” involves. After all, they have their indoctrinations passed off as unproven social evolution; and we have our Class A documents which they simply cannot believe meets the claims we insist with its body. Or any number of confused observations where they insist on making up stories of our Path; or their perception of the western esoteric path of spiritual enlightenment and magick. Meanwhile, they have not studied carefully documents like Liber O or Liber HHH; or pretend we made them up an hour ago to prank them.

We must carefully meditate on this difference between ego gratifications and the true pride of merit. It is a terrible state of affairs, don’t you think? So, those who would be of us are automatically deduced with some clarity where, on the other side of the coin, those whose Currents are infested with monotheistic clouds of dogmatic delusion or indoctrinated impulses in the academic community are hard pressed to overcome their upbringing or ideas of progressive tenet.

After all, herd mentality is not the vote of the patriot and of the many few are chosen, and of the few many are chosen. Yet, those errors that ego does perpetuate does seem to repeat itself with tireless audacity.

We must obey the Command to “veil the shrine”. Nevertheless, we “Refuse none..” and proceed to teach making and noting that it is matter of karma the blind ordeal or the open ordeal. We reserve the option, of course, to make severe the ordeals depending on each student’s particulars. This means any public, generalized lecture is a waste of time; and it is viewed for those who attempt it counterproductive toward individual teaching. The student in our system learning a general intellectual knowledge of all systems of attainment realizes that its value for teaching any number of students when advanced to Neophyte is going to do a better job to teach those coming from those other systems. Of course, those who haven’t experienced this process often think we are a system that includes all these systems. The truth is, we include those processes being purged by the prophet and experienced by prophet with his initiations and experiences where we parallel what was presented as definite steps Grade by Grade to be assured the attainment is real. Although I’ve brought this up before I bring it up again. The word, “Yoga” does not occur in the Book of the Law would be an example with how we use its methods given by the Master Therion where we use Yoga to make us more powerful magicians; and not in the same way would it be to be turned around. For observe that, “Magician and Exorcist” is mentioned in the Book of the Law where Yoga occurs only as something absorbed into our system without any adherence with Indian Hindoo delusions. Some of us even use Chinese Divination where “runes” are in the Book of the Law as a mention of divination. “help and hope in other spells” is very important to observe where we have Kabbalah, most certainly but we have our own way to use it where it might raise some eyebrows depending on whether you had anything passed on to you as Lineage; use Liber 777, or come from that culture of family which allows others to permit orthodox meditations of insights to create any number of interpretations from those spiritual texts commonly used to develop insight. Even further so, we have any number of spells that we decide would have “help and hope”.

We have explored how failures can be a learning experience for those who succeed; how delusions or rationalizations connected with ego or inferiority complexes create traitorous acts; and how the slaves shall serve in every nation or society where kings shall be Kings. Shall we move to other realms of the same initiation or ordeal by observing how we, in our System are an asset to retaining our freedom by our lectures with regards for the True Self.

After all, who but Us are needed more to retain their humanity than us in this world with such horrid visions of AI and computers from weak fools or strong brutes. No doubt, so many have their very humanity put to sleep by becoming slaves to the machines where our solutions of True Self; Initiation and the magical powers latent within are a perfect solution to the stupidity of those who have forgotten they are human beings.

Of course, I haven’t written too much controversy in the above paragraphs so to shock everyone outside Thelemic Circles I shall be wearing my very best wicked smile where I can tell everyone that we represent a freedom greater than Democracy; a power of magick beyond your wildest dreams; and our gifts are greater than accumulation of all the wealth on this earth for we emphasize “love under will”.

Ah, the look on the novice’s face when I tell them that the 93 Current gives you initiation and magical powers beyond their wildest dreams. My word, does everything have to be such a dramatic ritual with this fellow, you might observe. Well, I can only refer you to Liber VII, Chapter II , verse 28 and let you meditate on how sane “leaping laughter” makes me feel. “Opening of Eyes ceremony", indeed!!

If you are lost in the world of machines, a computer person who has realized that your humanity has gone to sleep perhaps it is high time to see how the magician and exorcist will perceive any number of pertinent points that would be overlooked in your sincere but naive status of consciousness.

I urge you to have patience with yourself; and us as you scrutinize our particulars. For remember that we cannot be written off in a single paragraph where we speak volumes. So, read us more carefully; and be careful about those vicious rumors. After all, hasn’t social media taught you anything about lies and propaganda? Well, we do exist; and those who are lost with horrid visions of AI overlords taking over do not realize that they, more often than not, are already slaves to the machines. This makes our Path perfectly suited to those computer workers who realize that their humanity is sleeping; and see the wisdom of what it means for our lectures on the True Self.

Are your eyes sewn shut by your self made virtual realities where you’ve become no longer comfortable with human exchange or human experiences? You think you can just turn your machines off; and what you’ve become will go away?

Love is the law, love under will
