Self Esteem and the Great Work
written by David Bersson
July 16th, An CXXI 2024 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

I shall begin by insisting that sublime meditations be applied to the mettle and tenacity of the Path. The Law of Θελημα means you either develop courage and perseverance or have no place among us. Depending on the karma; and the Grade of any aspirant you could die, go insane or become winner of Ordeal X. So, let your early meditations be in preparation for a very real path where knowing who you are; and True Self you exercise your True Will and move forth with self esteem and the bold courage of determination never to give in to the old Aeon Currents.

I might mention the issue of standing firm in times of ordeal. Moreover, the best the opposition can do is slay you but you’ve lived strong; and if you survive you most certainly will be psychologically toward the better. Beware, brother or sister, lest you bend the knee. In Nightmare Tales by H. P. Blavatsky an excellent example is presented where a polytheistic Priestess of the Great Goddess Nerthus (ancient mother German Goddess equivalent to Isis) stands up to a barbarian Christian tyrant by the name of King Clovis. The exchange or conversation between her and King Clovis shows a strength facing an ordeal that deserves admiration and respect.

The lesson of the High Priestess of Nerthus; and the savage Christian King resulted in her death from her rebuttal. Yet, what of present day opposition where you have to deal with attacks not necessarily meant to kill you but subtly attack you from other planes of existence as a consequence of your magical gesture. Most certainly, the same self esteem, pride, and bold answers to the challenges are going to exist. Even if you are are promoting social evolution over extremist revolution as a civilized soapbox toward change with civilization you’ll meet the equivalent of opposition on other planes of existence. With the magician and exorcist we face enemies as cruel and sadistic as King Clovis; and most certainly the sacred and holy words, “In Nomine Babalon” is a counter to those who know how the black brothers try to interfere with our Great Work. The Seal of Babalon is a powerful talisman and guardian of such abyss forces is also the Seal of our Holy Order. The Seal is so powerful that its magical forces have created a magical current that has grown to such an extent where it interpretations mystically has manifested the “divine feminine” movement. I predicted that something above and beyond the boomer feminist movement inspired by the 93 Current would come to be in my famous essay titled, “The Dove and the Serpent”.

A careful study on how the Master Karl Germer used Talismans resulted in my secret lecture on comparative phenomena where I should bring a few items that might be publicly useful to the surface. Let me start by stating seriously that these manifestation do not happen to happen to happen. Meaning, when you are working the high magick; and the talisman corresponding you’ll have some recoil and any number of events unfold that have been influenced by your Work to accomplish your end. My experience has seen a pattern where the ordeals begin where you have to get through them; and when you are on the other side of them the hostile old Aeon current returns viciously upon the opposition. Although with magical war an individual is involved this shall not be the case when you are working phenomenal existence on the higher planes. In many cases, those whose aura vibrate on the same level as the hostile current awaken where you might mistake them for the issue. It is far more complex an issue than this for the mechanical currents of the old Aeon are going back and forth in their eventual final decay as the 93 Current gets stronger and stronger as the Aeon progresses.

The higher your initiation, of course, the more control you’ll have when these magical attacks occur. Those who have been idle with their magick might not survive or have psychological distress that cannot be easily remedied. Recovery time is quick for the high initiate whose momentarily shock from the attack alert him or her to take steps toward knowing magically what to do. You might state that curses brace; and blessings put you to sleep from this plane.

As stated, this level of magical manifestation does not happen to happen to happen for these are synchronizations are not coincidental but an aspect of the cause and effect of the magical operation.

You must understand that the absolute stupidity of adherence to any meditation that deletes your functions rather than develops control of the planes of existence is a wide abyss of We in the West are from those in the East who persist to mold you into what they consider to be civilized. Our method, where we emphasize the True Self gives you the real magical powers balanced by the real initiations where the True Will can assist your decisions clear from all the complexes of said indoctrinations. Yes, yes I have stated elsewhere that the western temperament does awaken easily our path; and yet I must clarify that even someone from the East can awaken what we awaken or, if you will, simply show what you really were all along. Yet, now you are free from those false notions where freedom within cannot be taken away. Does this mean that the highest initiates on the path in the East are identical with the highest initiates in the West? After all, supernal is supernal whether you are a Taoist or a Thelemites, you might state. Of course, Liber Aleph and various Magi might definitely indicate this to be a truth. The issue is not debatable for you cannot be sure that this is entirely a folly rather than a wisdom. After all, an old Aeon Word does have its season before it deteriorates. The reality shall be that the insight has no relevance aside from background tolerance which might ignore that definite Curses from the Third Chapter must not be ignored. Proof that my school of thought might be as valid as others who have come along is in this line of the Book of the Law. Confer Liber AL, Chapter II, verse 24. I am alone: there is no God where I am. That “holier place” has no place for any God. This alters the metaphysics of the hereafter. I quote Liber 418, the 3rd Aethyr called ZON. "For all these things are the toys of the Magician and the Maker of Illusions, that barreth the Understanding from the Crown."

Therefore I leave the issue to be a specialized meditation where in times of magical gesture we expect no mercy; and you must learn to deal with the black brother currents. No doubt, when you are in the midst of a magical attack you know to be a hostile old Aeon current trying to counter your magical gesture it will eventually return to its source. You persist; and although the attack seems to be taking an eternity you must not submit to its goal to defeat you.

I do realize that all this might seem impossible to those novice on the path where you are using your magical powers to do high magick. In addition, the level of opposition I am emphasizing comes further down the line as you progress the balance of initiation with magical powers. Another issue entirely, where the high initiate partakes of the essence of the universal life in Binah where from the path of ד is instructed from the forces of Chokmah to initiate a specialized form of magical operation. This is not the same as being in touch with the Secret Chiefs or in touch with the Magus of the Aeon yet it has parallels which are too secret for the mere Adept Major being below the abyss to completely understand. In many cases, the Adept Major feels like they are moving the universe when they have only faced the preliminary responsibilities of their magical powers. Of course, they are simply a magician participating in a magical operation where they have duties to apply themselves for the smooth workings of the Hierarchy.

Love is the law, love under will
