The New Aeon hermit; and criminalization

written by David Bersson

Is not the starry heaven shaken as a leaf at the tremulous rapture of your love? Am not I the flying spark of light whirled away by the great wind of your perfection? Yea, cried the Holy One, and from Thy spark will I the Lord kindle a great light; I will burn through the great city in the old and desolate land; I will cleanse it from its great impurity.
Confer Liber LXV, verses 2 & 3.

In the morning we built the city.
In the afternoon walked through its streets.
Evening saw us leaving.
Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger - Ballad of Accounting

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Ah yes, yes. I do feel some insights working their way up to the surface. Shall we go a little further than a generalized exploration of Thelemites being persecuted where we specialize this essay with the problems of the New Aeon hermit trying not to be criminalized and accomplishing his or her will? Alas, what has occurred with that fellow so clever with debate at the university decades ago that he should end up so horribly controversial after mystic meditations? Are you going to grow counter to civilized behavior and tolerance; accusing me of duality? Perish the thought, good sir, I shall not be criminalized for my choice of western esotericism as my choice for spiritual enlightenment.

(“go, Bersson, go” is heard from the crowd as he adjusts his expensive garment preparing for soapbox battle making a ghost of all them that lets him by verbally destroying them all. Step aside, Gentlemen, I shall crush you all with my perfect logic.)

Why yes. Yet another essay suitable for framing or being framed depending whether the boogeyman accusations of the opposition dissect it in hopes of incrimination; or a student finds it sufficient with insight. Of course. Of course. What type of day would I have if haven’t verbally decapitated a dabbler, poured contradictory thoughts like acid on an aspirant’s sore spots, driven weak fools to a nervous breakdown with my demands they measure up; or any number of rub your hands together in satisfaction like a diabolical gesture that I’ve actually been an example of an Initiate that I’ve actually made them see the reality of the Great Work; and what it really involves. Ah yes, a paragraph long sentence. How delightful it is to make the English Professors ponder how could I make my own rules of syntax; and ignore the monotony of their protocol. No multitude of zeta for this fellow where an essay becomes so boring it puts you to sleep.

Let’s cover the issue of the hermits of the New Aeon who no longer live off the grid where their civilizing effect is lost to the world. You can easily pass yourself off as a “swinger” type with regards to bed of purple; and magnificent beasts of women. They may or may not observe through this lens but at least you’ll be left alone as one of those decadent playboy or playgirl types. What we have to cover in this essay is the type of issues you’ll encounter with regards to common city law.

In my essay I titled, "Deviations from the Norm" I did not touch upon how Thelemites might very well be criminalized by any number of false accusations or common city law meant to keep the city citizen under the control of their obsessions. So, I shall cover this knowing that although the word “pagan” means country the Initiate in the city might be called to court proceedings that involve any number of violations of city ordinance if they are not cautious of how city laws can put you under their radar if they observing your life do not see initiative or will but violation of their protocol. So let this be a warning to those who have realized that our hermits no longer exist in the forest or mountains will have to deal with many issues involving city common law that criminalize you. Whether the original system of Government is a Democracy that once emphasized initiative or a Communist Government who observe the citizenship as something to control both systems of Government are guilty of criminalizing the innocent. These violations against the will of the citizen ignore the True Self, self esteem, individuality, or even if in your past history you’ve never had so much as a traffic ticket. You are just another day at the office for the city Government drone who simply states they are just doing their job. Of course, the pain and suffering the law abiding citizen will endure is endless where someone like a traffic cop, a city building inspector who intentionally or even unintentionally breeds pain and suffering to those unable to meet the protocol of their rationalizations made into common law. Will they trust the citizen to cross the street without a ticket. Will they permit you repair your home at the pace of your income? More than often, their protocol causes distress; and you wonder where your freedom as a citizen went when you find that city Government is ordering you to mow your grass where if you do not; you are subject to fines and court fees. Of course, the idea of such inspectors is to be the type of ecological piece of the machinery of the city that hinders unsafe ghetto from spreading like a virus into any given neighborhood. Some cannot meet those standards being in debt or have too low an income to comply where they end up homeless. Of course, home ownership and those who rent have different issues but both face criminalization no matter how innocent they are. As New Aeon hermits that cannot return to the forest and mountain those problems that they would not face if off the grid become real torment for those who would live their lives in the city. In addition, you have those infested with old Aeon currents whose hatred are on levels so hostile that they jump at the chance to sue you.

We have the example of a loyal sister of the Order I shall not name for her own safety who was sued by a failed Probationer for selling her house which had repair work that was beyond her income. Naturally, selling it to find another dwelling more suitable with her income meant selling the house as is. She did what any sensible woman would do by selling a house that had repairs beyond her means financially to tend to. Well, a lawyer made a socialistic remark to her recently stating that anyone can sue anyone for anything. This has been the insane remarks of lawyers who do not observe the cause and effect by too many politicians who are also lawyers where criminalization has become a very real danger toward the original system of Government. Of course, the multitude of laws are the decay of Democracy where the road back to original principal has been cause for concern. Be that as it may, the failed Probationer who purchased the house trying to sue a sister who did not violate business way is an example of what the New Aeon hermits face when they live in the city.

This is clearly madness! She sold her house not being able to afford repairs amounting to an amount beyond her financial means; where the purchaser sues her for selling her a house not being in proper repair where he found a loophole in city ordinance that she was supposed to sell her house with standardized repair. Of course, the idiot who purchased the house knew full well on the status of the said repair. This amounts to criminalizing a sister of the Order where a hostile and stupid person who couldn’t measure up in the Hierarchy, spiritually, intellectually or magically trying to lash out in alleged savagery exposing himself as a liar and traitor. This is to verify that I actually met this person; and noted that his inferior intelligence is only matched by his sick ego. A person who proved himself unworthy lashes out in envious spite actually using city ordinance against one of our loyal.

You need another example of the criminalization of the citizen that gives more commentary? Hey, I’ve got this. Let us take a very real example of health care in the USA. I might compliment my Government on the Social Security system with retirement they give you Medicare that takes care of hospital bills. Well, if you aren’t old enough to be retired perhaps we should observe a least a few of these politicians, (who are nearly always lawyers, of course.) will try to bring health care as law. The politician who was a lawyer who attempted this actually succeeded to impose right on the tax forms penalty for not being able to afford health care a very real fine. The politician that did this apparently didn’t see this as anything wrong; and many deluded fools went along with her. After all, she was a good mother to her daughter; and a loyal wife to her husband who openly forgave him for his affairs. Yet, in spite of all this she lost the election where so many realized that she committed an act of cruelty by her insane notion of health care. More than cruelty, for she criminalized the poor all over America absolutely contradicting any virtue she was cleverly displaying.

Another lawyer once stated that his existence meant a high percentage of law will always be in the favor of the citizenship. If you analyze this insane remark it is clearly more than he drumming up business for himself but its reality means that the average citizen who cannot afford a good lawyer is doomed to be criminalized. It amounts to those who can afford a lawyer are above common law where they can afford an elemental to sort things out for them; and the lower income citizen goes to jail whether innocent or not. All these issues will occur time and time again for the New Aeon hermit to face. For criminalization can occur to any city in any citizen in any nation no matter what the political habit is of that nation. In Los Angeles, it is on and off whether to criminalize the homeless by city law or give them shelter depending on their often times idiot rationalizations on how to deal with the problem. The gold rush mentality of Californians and how their city laws evolve from this habit of consciousness means yet another thesis! For example, the habit of city consciousness in Dallas Texas hasn’t evolved anymore with their “cowboy individuality” habit than the gold rush mentality of Californians. Each create city laws which equally criminalize certain tendencies; or the worry that any number of deteriorations from proposed legend might be compromised. So, the issue of the New Aeon Hermit in any major city has the issue of criminalization. After all, if strange drugs or even lust is outlawed as a consequence of “Bible Belt mentality” the Thelemite must find a way not to go under their dogmatic radar.

So forewarned is enough to study what to do not to make yourself a target for criminalization. For no matter what you do if you are doing real magick you will be vexed by dispersion. Advanced magicians will know from experience how the egregore of any number of cities will create recoil on the magical gesture or operation. In addition, the difference between observing synchronizations from phenomenal existence should come in the aftermath of the magical gesture or those synchronizations are not going to be manifesting from what you’ve done but what has similar vibration for you in the point event of timeline; only on a lower plane.

While it is true that New Aeon Hermits coming to the city will eventually bring their civilized effects magically to the city it is also true that the change that manifests in the habit of the consciousness of the city whether it be gold rush mentality or cowboy individuality or Bible Belt mentality you must be prepared to meet these issues and come out where Success is your proof; and courage is your armour.

Love is the law, love under will
