The Seeds and the Fruit

written by David Bersson
February 23rd, An CXIX 2023 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

This essay involves a meditation on line 10 of Liber Samekh. I am about to write it a direction that might not of occurred with those who have done this ceremony to give an example of similar meditations with the rest of the lines depending on the how you are manifesting the insights of the seeds and the fruit. It is all so clear in my mind this morning meditation that I better write it all down.

The entire idea of genetic engineering the human being to the next species is a flawed and naive notion where not being thought out from the perspective of Darwin’s thesis none of them who lecture of this really know what we will evolve into. Again, we bring the ratio equations into the vision and find we cannot know as human beings what the next stage in evolution will be anymore than a monkey can comprehend a human being that can grasp an Industrial Engineer who can reverse engineer a complex, unknown machine or grasp the equations of great geniuses like Einstein.

What does a gorilla see when he sees a man? We, as human beings, can present the scientific and metaphysical concept of every generation being an alchemical progress towards perfection with the direction of successive complexities and either label this a possible goal of evolution or initiation. This aspiration trying to by volition or DNA manipulation the production of the seeds and fruit with successive generations is beyond the comprehension of the gorilla, of course, and we can no more know what the next stage of evolution is going to be like for our species than a gorilla can comprehend beyond its primal instincts. Centuries ago, the human being discovered fire and the monkey has not as yet done so although they have been observed to use a few basic tools.

So, genetic engineering, in spite of its advances has no real direction with natural selection and its logic is flawed on what we will become if evolution to the next step is to assure that the seeds and fruit are passed onto the next generation. If the average IQ of the moron of the next stage of evolution is 180 most certainly a high IQ of the next stage of evolution is beyond our wildest comprehension. If anything, any attempt for mere human beings to attempt genetic engineering might be suicide for millions who with the attempt create a dead end species. The AI, of course, gives no real assistance. If the next stage of evolution is higher than what we have created with the AI the next stage of human being might create an AI of its own. Ah, yet another ratio equation. I do enjoy those proportional equations which stretch insight to a deeper insight and vision of scenario! The entire idea of present day AI not being as high as the next stage of evolution of our species, human being, is pure speculation and, perhaps, if nothing else at least subject for material is the science fiction writer. Yeats once stated that imagination is the key to creativity so I recommend science fiction as required reading as a very real form of literature.

For those who have experienced the social exchanges with the Darwinist know that it is all they talk about. I tried to explain in another essay my observations of them, noting their lifestyles and personalities. The subject of such issues of evolution move in circles that go nowhere. We know how we evolved but how to evolve again is another question entirely unanswered by science.

A Darwinist once surprised me by stating, “all retards should be killed at birth” where no room for the unfit exists for the possibility of evolution. Unfortunately, I already explained that trying to create a philosophy around the gospel according to Charles Darwin might result in acts that would be condemned everywhere. How does the FBI observe such proclamations and decide whether an investigation needs to be done? I cannot say except to speculate that they see the Darwinist as harmless where he uses the words “should be” where the Darwinist cannot be classified as extremist where he had no intention of murder. So law enforcement has to look closely at such statements as to not waste time on investigations where they would persecute or judge improperly whether a given statement is a threat or simply a conjecture. 1. The concept of applied conjecture is part of the investigation of any law enforcement who must study with absolute clarity such controversial statements. 2.

My civilized solution toward applications meant a new planet to colonize.

Well, where are we really as human beings? If you were to be set naked upon a Goldilocks Planet could you even bring your fellow humans to a paralleled age of the blacksmith to create swords and daggers? A previous meditation I had is what seeds and fruit might be possible if the human being was set naked on the planet with only the Book of the Law where it resulted in insights of levels of civilization.

I proclaim publicly that with a no uncertain proclamation of self esteem that the Law of Θελημα has a much more firm grasp of its pragmatic application of philosophy than the mere Darwinist whose solutions do not include a seed nor fruit for any real evolution. Of course, it might seem a bold statement that the Law of Θελημα is superior to the Darwinist but we have introduced Scientific Illuminism where the True Self shall be unfolded without bias, and very real Paths will occur not in contradiction to debates nor inconsistent with the evolutionary process. Natural selection is a sound scientific proclamation but the Darwinist will drop to all fours with visions of an evolution that would make him or her a tyrant. How ironic that the Darwinist never gets in trouble with the law of their nation! In Texas the seasoned cowboy might smile at the Darwinist and state he or she is “all hat and no cattle.” A Thelemite might agree who will say what they mean and mean what they say! A Thelemite who is really a Thelemite will not contradict himself or herself but give insight to others how the unfolding of their True Self has made the decisions of the life of their True Will to follow the Path of their choice. Most certainly, an efficient ecological system does occur which does not contradict natural selection and honors the self esteem and joy of life is preferable than raw hypocritical contradictions. Charles Darwin’s work is very important and should be studied. The work of what we are to eventually evolve into was never done by Charles Darwin. Applying the method of science to spiritual enlightenment isn’t just a theory Thelemites are presenting to the world. Those seeds and fruits from this very real labor will eventually give us a very real understanding of what we are as individuals are by studying our True Self. Scientific Illuminism will include Darwin’s thesis.

On another plane of existence let this essay be an example of how I produced the seeds and the fruit of insight by meditation of line 10 of Liber Samekh.

Love is the law, love under will

1. (The word and noun “conjecture” has one of those fascinating origins for those who enjoy working out the etymological contemplations and implications of a word. The entire concept of an educated sorcerer trying to explain magical signs is most thought provoking, don’t you think? Indeed, I might throw together any number of abstractions that when dissected by intellectuals might have me accused of superstitious observations. Yet, observe the working of the psychological make up of the successful detective who attempts to throw together a motive for the suspect to build a case in the investigation. How is this paralleled by the mystic who finds reality with magical signs is most thought provoking and I recommend a study of my essay on magical signs for further meditation on this very real parallel. The concept of prognostication as a means to the end of observing phenomenal existence where the puzzles of cause and effect are assimilated where you know where volition is to be applied has very real parallels with the Thelemic definition of magick.)

1. (Of course, a moron will observe such proclamations not observing the wording and get themselves in trouble for trying to get them investigated where their credibility has been compromised. You simply do not annoy an overworked FBI agent by trying to get someone in trouble. They would only turn the investigation around on you. I could of gotten one junkie in New York City in trouble for email attaching a photo of himself with a rifle to me but I decided a heroin addict wouldn’t have the stomach to do anything but give scare tactics. On another occasion a moron tried to get me investigated for stating something “evil sorcerer” where nothing ever came of it and never ever will. Both of these morons were failed students of my Instructor. They hated and feared me for my success where they were too stupid to show discipline toward their teacher. In addition, I had passed on to me their entire correspondence where at least one of these failures feared that I would print it publicly. Of course, I never did where I would be wasting my time with them.)
