Autumn Equinox Lecture

written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

In my last lecture as an essay I expounded the realities of the biological will. I expected more negative reactions than I received where I waited for a long time to actually give lecture on it knowing that if I worded myself in lecture without sufficient data the reactions would have had an over reaction with regards to recoil. How many essays or lecture I have left unpublished I won’t say sufficient for you knowing that if the world wasn’t ready for it; or I expressed it without careful wording I might have it all bite me in the ass down the line.

I already know how my own Instructor released blinds with his Commentaries of AL back in 1975 e.v. how the recoil of his school of thought was manifested where the world was barely ready for Him so early in the Aeon. Are we ready to expound even more as the Aeon progresses? Perhaps touching upon the subject of how any number of people infested with old Aeon Currents are going to react to our existence might be beneficial to those who have gained sufficient initiation to see magical attack and recoil from the perspective of the 93 Current getting stronger and stronger as more Thelemites exist so shall our Truth be expounded when the time is ripe to be heard. Perhaps if a lecture from a magician in the dark ages had been done where magick was done before the very eyes of the crowd it would of meant the death of the lecturer by burning at the stake where you would ask yourself whether today the same crowd would do the same in modern era? After all, primal fear and the mob committing atrocities that the individual would never do alone yet exists. We have solutions, naturally, where caution who is invited into your circle, the existence of the secret society, the words and signs of fraternity, the veiled shrine, carefully chosen membership, magical secrets and so much more developed from how they reacted to Our existence. Of course, of course. From those who consider us in the negative where in reality we must keep our privacy not to avoid persecution; and to dwell among those of like blood to protect and honor each other they create a fantasy out of touch with our reality where they imagine us hiding any number of hideous acts of blasphemy.

Here it is September 22nd, An CXXI 2024 era vulgari where we have decided that the lecture will have to include a speech that becomes an essay to those who have petitioned seats in the overall scene of expectations are at a lose to anticipate what shall be expounded. It should always be observed with calmness of spirit who will react with primal fear; and who will react with vigorous and energized ardor or zeal. Perhaps “enthusiasm” that is energized might be a better vision where the word “enthusiasm” has the proper Greek origin or etymologically concisely defined as “God Inspired” where the transition of New Aeon means a new God on a new Throne. Clearly, when we proclaim “Osiris was a black God” it depends on the magical current that exists for you whether this is horrifying statement or a glorious proclamation of what was knowing what shall be and what is coming. No doubt, the devil’s laugh heard from us by the confused Guru from India, the demonic Muslim, the hypocritical Christian and the savage Buddhist might very chill their very souls with fear knowing how in spite of any efforts to contradict or even stop us we yet exist. All their efforts of jihad, inquisition and promotion of genuflect out of touch with reality prayers or meditations are with one devil laugh realized to be futile. Yet, that same laugh heard by those who are of us is the “leaping laughter” at the Feast.

After all, the very energy of the Autumn Equinox; and the accumulation of magical energy partakes of an essence of something sublime to translate from its magical force to manifest into a lecture. I do realize that proclaiming and giving commentary on such subjects as the transitions of an Aeon has complexities that need serious meditation for clarity. The health insurance of the old Aeon ran out; and any life support is being pulled where the natural death might be recorded. Of course, whoever pulled the plug might be accused of any number of violations or even criminal acts but what might seems horrors to be, respectfully, the die hards or even a Ragnarök or some horrible version of Armageddon compared to those who study the new Aeon realize it is fulfilling any number of prophesies where the New Aeon is acknowledged with positive effects. Being of the latter positive for the coming of the New Aeon I can understand absolutely how those who have yet affiliated with the old Aeon currents are going to have ordeals and distress as they cling to the parameters of the slave gods. Die you will, sooner or later I proclaim as the 93 Current manifests its glorious magical energy to the benefit of humanity; and the old Aeon mechanical currents go back and forth and back and forth in their eventual decay and death. Oh no, they scream. 666 has arisen to destroy us all! We smile; and ponder how much longer we are to put up with such catastrophist over reactions. Without a doubt, if the devil is in the details let me detail some details being either devilish to those who fear us; or insightful for those who have accepted the New Aeon; and in doing so need commentary for further insight.

Depending on how you are and what you have experienced the truth does takes many shades or open windows of concentrated sunlight. For those who are honest the truth is bold, the truth is gold; and the truth is told by young and old. Yet, those are yet infected with the herd mentality the truth is mold, the truth is cold, and the truth is sold as trinkets at the marketplace of ill esteem. Where self esteem is compromised by lack of volition; and slaves without masters abound where their bold and brass stand is gone from the lack of centralization where commonweal behaves like the machines that they have attached themselves to. Mutual exchange and social evolution are thrown off the cliff of bias compliance; and they lie to us.

Compliance rather than self reliance has raised its demon head to those who permit it. Those who would permit it, submit to it where your humanity that could of erupted with glorious creativity is overseen by the devils of moral majority. Say it is not so that this should be so for the path of the True Self and True Will is yet feasible as you work those complexes to the surface; see what you see to see the glory of what you are. A star upon your course through the universe to achieve that True Will that consistent and accustomed to be what you really are; and not what others think they think you think they think you think but you as a real human being who thinks as you will to think you arise with creativity you accomplish your True Will.

Behold, you have accepted the Law of Θελημα and now you are ready to see how it can be applied from the proper perspective of its radiating supernal glory from your lens; and not others who would try to sway you intentionally or unintentionally from what you really are. The sublime wisdom of how you are informed that you must accept the Law of Θελημα first, where you can take the next step to apply it in accordance with whatever level or insight might be consistent with your particular True Self shall result in the Truth that is you; and not someone else.

All those complexes that were hindering you need not bind you from self realization when you are shown freedom is possible where your uniqueness is not compromised. You have already scrutinized your particulars; when you remember those dark nights of ordeal where you choose to think as others think rather than think as you would think as you will where if you had permitted the True Self to oversee those instruments of uncontrolled urges of ego, balance and self esteem might have been realized. You are on the other side of the self imposed Veil of the Restricted Self where you know, at last, at last, at last the beginning of Pride has been distinguished from the ego to see truth as truth where you’ve calmly seen the mirror; and know that what you really are isn’t what others would perceive you but what they see is but a garment of what you really are; a star gloriously blazing through the universe Unto Nuit.

Let us now Feast, all, and in the aftermath of the magical energy of our overall sacrament we shall proceed to the next step where more shall be expounded as initiation shall wisely dictate.

Love is the law, love under will
