Apply what you learn

written by David Bersson

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Oh my. I do feel some controversial and possibly hideous thoughts about to surface. Quick. Do a Banishing ritual before reading this essay lest the devils of the pit arise from such horrid notions.

Why yes, If you can’t enlighten them with lightning bolts of ruach inspired neshamah. Then prepare a table for them to choose the magical weapon of the art as they will. So shall we cover the latter where we emphasize the issues of the occult scholar, our objections; and just what it would involve if they tried to achieve the glory of the practitioner.

Be that as it may, this controversial or frank lecture shall remind all serious students the issue of the Order whose motto is, “the method of science, with the aim of religion” where it hasn’t been taken as seriously by the academic community nor the implications of its import by those who plod along for years as an occult scholar gaining no initiation or advance beyond pats on the head by fools, offer for sale a volume that might have a few paragraphs of interest where you have books by those who practice magick which are more valuable to you. I should add that no names are to be named in this essay where I leave you to judge and prepare to be judged.

I shall continue with that remark that the majority of the entire human race exists in the Qlippoth where they haven’t reached Malkuth does give pause for some aspiration as an Initiate where a human being by our magick eventually shall be born in Malkuth. In due consideration of this; and as it stands prior to such a racial initiation how then do we define “demonology”? After all, to actually control the demons from the Lesser Key of Solomon we must be above them. You cannot act on the same plane with any given force to control it. All this means living in the Spiritual where Neshamah is able to manifest into the Ruach shall be essential. Therefore initiation is essential for the magician and exorcist to be efficient with magick. This might be a hard lesson for the occult scholar who if they take this seriously, (which they never do, screams the Priestess...), means they would have to live in the Spiritual to be in a position for high magick to work for them. We go so far with this to state there is death for the dogs. Are we then stating that what they are; or what they think they are; or what they achieved is gone when they die? After all, stating you have to live in the Spiritual to persist beyond death or if you live like dogs you’ll cease to be in death does seem to resemble a myth worse than hell after death. Well, the occult scholar who has never done magick cannot be sure, can he or she? Yet, both east and west give something similar in their Holy Books.

Moreover, it takes more time than you might realize how difficult; and how much Grant money would be needed to really produce proof with reiterated experiments. We have the issue of the Spiritual as a factor that the alleged scientist I insist must be taken seriously. Yet, I also know that Liber LXV and Liber VII are beyond their intellectual scope knowing that the issue of the Animadversion is like a guardian; and if the hostile magical currents are pushing you; no IQ will be capable of such Class A Documents.

In addition, the Vertical and Horizontal Component of the Enchantment; the Asserveration of the Spells; the Proclamation of the Accomplishment where the Enchantment awakens takes daily practice.

So, the occult scholar takes the easy route, makes a video dressing up in cone and robe, or any array of robe or ancient garment, eye candy their background, show irrelevant photos of girls with buckteeth or what the fuck ever, proceeding cleverly making any number of proclamations that might raise an eyebrow to the practitioner. Ending their video by trying to take it all to the bank.

No doubt, a queen sized bed large tissue paper for an elephant if created for the ruach masturbators can be offered as a gift for those so full of shit that it is pointless to go on about their absence of practice balanced by theory; and clearly this is an objection you cannot too often emphasize with so many who go nowhere with their occult scholarship. The academic community does not tolerate such breaches of balances blatantly boasted, boosted and boring where they assume they are participating in human experimentation if the occult scholar actually uses one of the Seals in a magical experiment. The entire idea is to be objective with no objective in the sense of a clarity of dissertation of thesis free from any false observations that might occur. Going nowhere but waving the PHD; and ego gratifications the shaggy dog tale repeats and the occult scholar thinks they will be observed with the same status as the occult practitioner.

After all, parapsychological studies have to be separate from a study of an ancient book on magic. Perish the thought of a mad scientist scholar coming along and using the Lesser Key of Solomon without some starched shirt bow tie wearing, critical Professor saying those horrid words, “tut tut”; and send you packing to some other major which might have pragmatic scientific goals. Like astronomy where it is useful to know how many light years away the nearest black hole is; not realizing it is actually in his own brain as a stifled and conditioned protocol meant to keep the conservative conservative; or whatever priorities they might debate in their favor. After all, if you cannot get a grant for it where it doesn’t seem to return in value how could it be of any use?

All this results in the occult scholar rattling on endlessly forgetting he has a very minor role in those who are serious practitioners.

In addition, you have sensationalists who like the ghost hunters create questionable content about any number of unresolved mysteries or strange events with video where the herd mentality eats it all up greedily and pays them off in gratitude with funds they are satisfied they earn. None of us expect these scams or methods of entertainment to cease. Yet, the occult practitioner will always be honored who lectures raw experience while the occult scholar will only be useful so far as they might reveal some ancient manuscript or point in history or folklore that might be useful. For myself, I rarely hear them anymore. After all, unless they touch upon some parallel I must observe the Curriculum and register them as entertainment.

Ah yes. I think the above to be sufficiently penetrating for the occult community; and especially for Thelemites.

Love is the law, love under will
